(3) Excursion

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NEW-update sport is now soccer instead of football, letting you know in every chapter and editing them!

Old- I changed the description a bit but nothing comes in until later.

Cora POV

"Lizzy!" I called running beside her. "Hey! Any plans today?" She asked me and I smiled. "Silas has soccer practice after school, but if you want to go do something after I'm down," I said and she nodded. "Can he drive us then?" I would ask him later but I nodded assuming he would. We walked into our last class of the day. I began working on the essay we'd been assigned, laughing occasionally at our side conversation. The bell rang and we headed towards the football field. "SILAS!" I yelled so I could talk to him before practice started.

He ran over quickly "what do you want?" He said and I laughed. "Can you drive Lizzy and I to the mall afterwards?" I asked and he nodded before running back to practice. I sat down beside Lizzy in the bleachers, pulling out my phone. There was a message from Evan:

Doing anything after school?

I thought before responding

Lizzy and I are going to the mall in an hour or so, do you want to come

I sent the message "Liz, can Evan come to the mall with us? I asked and she nodded.

Yeah, do you mind if I bring my sisters, I have to watch them when they get home from school?

I sent back a quick yes before updating Lizzy in the outing. I smiled and laid down in the row.


After the long hour had passed we piled into my brothers car. We stood in front of the huge brick pillars waiting for
Evan to show up. After a few minutes I saw his sisters running through the parking lot, Evan slowly trailing behind. "Hi girls," I called out to them. Lizzy gave me a look as if to say 'you known them?' And I laughed.

We wandered through the mall for what felt like hours. Lily and Evet wanted to see everything. "Have they ever been to a mall before?" I asked Evan, smirking as he walked by. "Or any store it appears," he said chuckling at their behavior. After a few hours I noticed that Evan began dragging his feet more and more. My brother would be back to get us in 15 minutes or so. "Do you want to stop, sit down or something?" I whispered as I slowed my pace to stand beside him. At first he shook his head no, which wasn't a surprise. After a few minutes he sat down on a nearby bench and I gathered everyone.

"Girls, my brother will be here in a few minutes to get Lizzy and I," I stated and there were collective groans. "Let's make our way towards the front," I directed and then walked over to the bench Evan was sitting on. Lizzy and I exchanged glances and she seemed to understand what I was getting at. "Ready?" I asked sitting beside him. Evan's panting was slowing to a normal breath, his head resting between his knees. "Yeah, I, uh," he said trailing off. I stood up and he, slowly, did the same.

Evan swayed and I reached out to steady him. "Are you okay?" I asked worriedly. "Yes, M'fine," Evan slurred, his words sticking together. As the front of the building came into view I noticed Lizzy standing up there with the girls. How long have they been waiting? I wondered. Lizzy began to ramble on about some school assignment but I wasn't listening, not entirely.

In my peripheral vision I could see Evan trying to keep up with his hyperactive sisters. He was swaying a bit, leaning against the pillar to catch his breath every few minutes. "Lily, Evet! Come over here for a minute," I called out and they ran over excitedly. "Do you want to come over and play at my house for a little while?" They nodded, "Go ask your brother," I instructed and they ran off.

I texted my mom to make sure it was okay before following through. The girls came back, Evan trailing behind slowly. "He said yes!" They yelled jumping up and down. My phone pinged, alerting me that Silas had arrived. "Our ride is here, meet us back at my house," I said nodding to Lizzy.


Soon after we arrived back at my house. Seeing the children my brother immediately shut himself in his room. I ducked into the kitchen to retrieve some water while everyone went outside. A sudden bout of nausea came over me. This has happened before maybe once a month going into this year but it was still an unfamiliar feeling so I shrugged it off. I was probably catching a cold from the weather. I thought to myself. The feeling went away quickly and I met the others outside.

I sat beside Evan on the porch, "thanks for this," he whispered. "I don't think we'd have made it home in one piece, but I'm feeling much better now," he added, chuckling softly. "Good, i'm glad. You're sure that you'll make it home okay?" He nodded but I wasn't sure if he was telling the truth. It was getting late, I imagined that Evan's mom was worried. After I pointed that out and he bolted up. "What time is it?" He asked frantically. "Calm down, it's only 7:00," I stated plainly. "Girls time to go!" He called out and rushed to leave my house. Lizzy and I exchanged glances and went up to my room. "That was odd," I said breaking the silence. She nodded slowly, "His sisters are pretty fun, high maintenance, but fun," she joked.


After an hour Lizzy had to leave, apparently she had a test to study for. I stood up and wandered over to the stairs, longing for some food. As I took the first step a sharp pain shot through my side. I felt my face twist in pain, this time I couldn't shrug it off. This was nothing like I'd ever felt before, compared to the past few months. The pain quickly spread. Soon it was all over my body, my head, my arms, legs, everywhere. "Cora, are you okay, what's going on?" Silas said softly from the hallway. I was semi glad someone was there but also very embarrassed.

"Yeah, no, everything is fine," I lied easily. He rolled his eyes and walked over to the stair step I was on. The pain was unbearable at this point, my head was pounding and it felt as if I'd been hit by a train. "Fine," Silas said using quotation marks. My body gave in quicker than I would've liked. I took one step and immediately fell down the stairs. "CORA!" Silas screamed, running to my aid.

He looked me over and then went to get our parents. "I'm not sure, she fell down the stairs," I heard him explaining to my mom. I groaned from my spot on the floor. "What hurts?" My mom asked kneeling beside me. "Everything," I muttered quietly. "Is anything broken?" My mom was panicking as she tried to keep a calm tone. I shook my head when a tickle appeared in the back of my throat. I clapped my hand over my mouth and bolted up, barely making it to the bathroom.

A cold hand rubbed my back as I let out my stomachs contents. I collapsed into my moms lap, feeling to much pain, dizziness, and nausea. My body ached and darkness edged my vision. I heard my mom telling my brother what to do. I felt my body being lifted and moved somewhere. My eyes were drooping shut and sleep was so tempting. I was only going to close them for a minute I thought and nodded to myself, proud of my idea.


When I woke up there was something cold on my forehead. My aches had become dull pains. I reached up to rub my eyes, finding myself on the couch. "Cor?" Silas whispered softly. "Wha..?" I slurred, wincing as the pain worsened. "How're you feeling?" Silas question me.
I sat there, taking in my feelings. I felt horrible, my head ached, it was like I was laying on a bed full of needles. I was afraid to move or speak, as it would send my head spiraling. "Much better," I said and before I knew it, the lie was spilling out.

"That's great! Why don't you get up and we'll walk to the kitchen. You're probably starving," he said cheerfully. The thought of food made me nauseous. I sat up slowly and Silas eyed me carefully. The world spun aggressively, my vision blurred and the room felt hotter. "Much better..." he scoffed silently. Vomit pooled in the back of my throat. "Mom and dad had to go to work," Silas droned. I got up as fast as my aching body would let me, and ran to the bathroom. I gagged into the toilet but nothing came out, I hadn't eaten since yesterday.

Silas appeared and rubbed my back with one hand, the other holding my hair. The dizziness didn't fade away, I couldn't speak or move. The world around me began to fade and I panicked. Little did I know this would be happening all day.


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