(10) Life goes on

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(A/N) Earlier I said she had lung cancer but I've realized the facts don't match up so, sorry, sorry, I know I keep changing things, but she has leukemia. I know about that one more because we've read about it in English. It will get changed in other chapters when I'm online!

Cora's POV

Two week later
Sunday 12:00

It was almost time for my 3rd treatment, last one for the month and then I get a break. Silas can't drive so Evan offered to take me, my parents being too busy with work.

"Ready to go?" I asked Even, stepping through his doorway.
"Yeah uh...maybe not," he said exasperated, sliding against the wall.
"Whenever your ready, I planned to leave early just in case," I reassured. He closed his eyes and was soon unconscious. I sat beside him for a few minutes before he began to wake.
"Hmm, okay let's go," he groaned.
"Maybe...I should drive," I suggested. He nodded before closing his eyes again.

I guided Evan to the car, slow and steady.
"M'sorry," he mumbled quietly.
"Don't apologize, you can't control it."

1 week later
Monday 8:00 AM

Within a week the symptoms were in full swing. Silas was by my side the whole time. My parents were helpful but also distant. I knew they were struggling with finances, getting us to school, dealing with me. My inability to eat without throwing up, constant nausea, dizziness. It all came on and hit everyone like a punch in the gut. It made me realize that this is real, it's not a dream, it's not just going to go away with time.

I was perched over the toilet vomiting while Silas rubbed my back with one hand and held my hair with the other. When I finished emptying my stomach my clothes were fully covered in sweat, bile, and other gross things.

I shakily stood up and got changed. Lizzy came soon to drive me to school. School was slowly becoming harder and more tiring but I didn't want my parents to take me out. My teachers were pretty understanding but I can barely make it through the day.

"I think I'm going to drop out until I'm better..." I said sitting down at the lunch table.

"That's...uh...wow...whatever you need to do. What if you get held back? What if we can't graduate together?" Lizzy panicked.
"It'll be okay," I tried to reassure her. I was more saying it to myself though. Let's be honest, I'm tired, nauseous, and haven't eaten in forever because I only throw it back up. I would try to convince my parents to get me a tutor but I know money is tight right now. Between hospital visits with me and my brother and my treatments my parents were busy constantly. Silas was left to drive me places and take care of me when my parents were at work, which was most of the day.

My brother and Madeleine were together in all his free time. Evan (or Lizzy) sat with me during my treatments. I'd been helping watch his sisters a lot. His neighbor helps as well when he's not feeling well. We both became two sick kids, neither having a good day at the same time.

Evan and I started dating last week, he's officially my boyfriend. He's pretty good at telling when I don't feel the best. Like right now he's rubbing my back as I try to figure out what I want to do about school.

"We can't afford a tutor but maybe they'll let me do school at home. I'll have to talk to my mom, if she ever gets home," I complained. Evan squeezed my shoulder as he stood up to walk away. I tugged on his sleeve.

"Where are you going?"

"I'm going to the nurse real quick, do you want to come with?" He said smiling softly, his bright blue eyes shimmering in the florescent lights of the cafeteria. I nodded, said goodbye to my friends, and we swiftly made our way to the nurse. Evan was slightly unsteady on his feet. His body moving off balance with every movement.

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