(8) The Big Game and a Party Gone Wrong

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NEW-update sport is now soccer instead of football, letting you know in every chapter up to this one and editing them!

I made up a random high school name and mascot for this so idk if it's a real one or not! Also there's a pep-talk in this chapter and I'm not the best at those...sorry :)


Silas's POV

Right now we were getting ready for our biggest game of the season, against our rival school. It was almost 100 degrees outside (Fahrenheit, I would convert but I don't know how). I was sweating profusely and the heat was dizzying. After 10 minutes or so the coach called us in for a pregame pep talk.

"Okay, we've been working very hard for the last two weeks in anticipation of this game. We are not going to let them defeat us this time or any other time. Not in our house, you want to know why? Because we are the Crimson Valley Timberwolves!" As he finished the whole team began howling, just like we do every game. It was stupid but just by doing that my nerves were relieved and I felt a lot better about this game, especially with Madeleine in the crowd.

After that we began preparing, our coach was reminding us of our positions. I play center midfield, which means I'm all over the field. Coach Barnes sent me out to where the referee was and the other schools captain. We quickly decided that my team would have the left goal and the ball first while they got their pick of goal.

"Remember boys, It's hot out there. If you ever need a break for a drink make sure you tell me," Coach Barnes finished before we ran onto the field. With the blow of a whistle the game had begun.

I quickly was able to retrieve the ball and run down the field. Making smooth passes to my teammates we scored our first point. Point after point, fight after fight, the other team was down by one and it was only halftime.

When the whistle blew for halftime I ran off the field with my team. Coach rambled about the plays we would do and I was intensely focused, so focused that I forgot to drink water. My head ached and my throat begged for some water. I hurried to take a quick drink before we went back out, switching goals and messing up my playing. As I ran to throw the ball back in black spots fluttered in my vision. Blinking them away, I threw the ball towards Noah (very poorly) who somehow managed to grab it. He shot me a glance and then took the ball down the field, one people ran along side him on the right while I followed on the left. Loud cheers came from the bleachers as Noah scored a goal.


Time flew by quickly as we ran in the increasingly hot weather. We were now only a point ahead and with only two minutes on the clock I wasn't sure we would win. I clumsily ran towards the middle in order to get the ball. I turned around and before I could move one of the Opal Ridge boys appeared in front of me. I couldn't tell you how much we hated their school, Opal Ridge Preparatory and their crispy new uniforms.

Despite my disoriented state I still tried to get past him. Pulling the ball back and then kicking it to the side I passed it to Elijah, another boy on my team. It was all going well until I turned to run beside him. I crashed into an Opal Ridge kid and we both propelled back and landed on the ground. (One year when I wasn't playing soccer my friend from the team said they played against a team who's coach constantly told them "sit to claim injury," sorry that's just what I thought of lol) 

I quickly stood up and offered my hand to the other kid and he hesitated before accepting it, but not after a big scoff from his teammate. Insert a huge eye roll from Noah who appeared beside be again. "Are you—," he was cut off by the sound of cheering as we scored a goal. "Are you okay?" He asked again after the whistle had blown and we were walking back to the bench. "Yeah I'm fine, I can take a few hits once in a while," he rolled his eyes before playfully punching me on the arm.

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