(12) No Normal Days

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Cora's POV

Tuesday 12:15PM

Evan sat across from me at the lunch table, explaining everything that'd happened in the past few days to Lizzy and I. Suddenly a familiar feeling rose in my throat. "Sorry to interrupt, I'll be right back. I need to make a quick trip to the bathroom." I got up and hurried off.

I made it into the bathroom and collapsed against a toilet, vomit escaping my mouth hurriedly.

"Cora...are you in here?" Lizzy called from behind the door of my stall.

"Yeah, I just—" I was cut off by another harsh gag. I didn't want Lizzy to see this but everything hurt and I couldn't move.

"Can I come in? Or I could get someone, like Silas or Evan if you'd rather..." I nodded before realizing that the door was closed. I unlocked it and let her in, vomiting harshly soon after. "It's okay, it'll be done soon," Lizzy whispered while rubbing my back.

"M'done," I whispered, feeling slightly embarrassed by the situation.

"Want me to get someone, the nurse maybe?" Lizzy asked, a kind look in her eyes.

"I just want to go back to lunch, please? Will you help me?" I asked, my body feeling heavy. She nodded and smiled at me before getting up off the floor.

"Ready?" She asked and I extended my hand up to her as a yes. After washing my mouth out in the sink, Lizzy helped lead me back to our table. I really didn't feel like doing anything. My mom was considering taking me out of school, maybe this would help push my point.

I plopped down beside Evan on the bench seat. Evan wrapped an arm around my shoulder, pulling me closer to him. The comfort was nice, I could tell he was tired too but I didn't have enough energy to worry. He rubbed my shoulder and my eyes drifted closed.


Tuesday 12:45

Even shook me lightly "Cora, we've got to get going. Class is starting in a few minutes."

How long had I been asleep? "Oh, okay," I sat up shakily. The sleep only got rid of the sick feeling slightly. Lizzy had gone, we were the only ones left in the cafeteria. "Sorry," I said feeling bad that I'd slept on him.

"It's okay, I don't mind, you're my girlfriend. It'd be weird if it was some random person, with you it's different," He chuckled slightly and stretched before getting up. I watched as he fell to the ground, I tried to catch him but the size difference wasn't helpful. "I'm okay, my legs are just asleep." He smiled reassuringly up at me.

"Need a hand?" I questioned and stuck my hand out to him. He nodded and we both walked to class together. He blew me a kiss when we got to my room and then left. When I have to leave, I'm going to miss moments like these.

Tuesday 7:00PM

My head was spinning, I couldn't eat dinner so I was starving. My dad was working still and mom was in her office working on the school thing. Silas was out with Madeleine, I was left alone—mostly.

"Love?" My mom said walking into my room. "Your school says they can arrange for your homework to be sent over while you're at home. They said that they could try and find someone who would offer as a tutor, once a week the day depending on how you're feeling." I nodded silently. My mom sighed and walked away. Dizziness crept up, causing me to gag harshly.

I ran to the bathroom and fell onto the toilet trying to prevent the familiar events that were about to follow. Nothing I do can fix this— I thought to myself as I let out everything in my stomach. In a few minutes I felt my mother rubbing her hand against my back, trying not to look at me. I knew it was gross, I was gross.

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