Chapter 8....

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"Go Mateo!"

"You got this!"

I yelled alongside Sydni as I held up my sign. The game only had four more minutes and currently both teams were tied up. Down to the wire.

When Mateo ran out with his team it didn't take him long to notice us. It was cute how he was searching until he caught sight of the huge signs we were holding up while yelling. Just like Josie said Mateo came over to the side and grinned up at us. You could tell he loved that we brought signs.

Although I think he got a tiny bit embarrassed when the guys laid on the blow horns for a full minute. Which prompted someone to come down and tell us to put them away five minutes later. Laster longer than I thought it would.

Before running back out onto the field, Mateo turned around to face our section. He sent us a grin and a wink before sliding his helmet on and running back onto the field.

"One day he's going to get hurt for flirting so damn much." Landon muttered beside me.

"Wonder where he learned it from." 

"Wyatt." Was Landon's response. Deciding to tease him a bit I nodded in agreement.

"That sounds about right." I immediately knew I hit a spot as Landon turned in his seat a little to narrow his eyes at me.

"You don't think I can flirt?" I stifled my grin at the slight hurt tone.

"I mean." I shrugged. I don't know a lot about Landon but I just know during Uni he was a big flirt. I could definitely see him being a ladies man, especially when he was younger. "Out of all the Boone brothers Mateo is probably the best flirt." Which probably is true.

"Blondie." The nickname Landon gave me making my stomach clench. I felt him lean in closer, his breath tickling the side of my face. The smell of his cologne hit me in full force. God he smelled good. There is something about a nice smelling man.

"You haven't seen anything yet." Landon whispered, his voice deeper and huskier. A shiver ran down my spine at his words. There was a promise in his tone that made my toes curl.

I couldn't stop myself from angling my head to meet his eyes. His jaw clenched as we stared at one another. The thick tension between us growing as we sat there inches apart.

"I'd like to see what you got." My voice came out in a whisper but I could see the affect it had on him.

"Don't start something you can't finish." Landon's eyes flashed as he leaned in closer.

"Who says I won't." I never back down from a challenge.

"Hmm." His hum seemed to vibrate down to my bones.

It was dangerous being this close to him. The tension between us growing by the second. It felt so palpable as we sat there staring at one another with heated eyes.

Lydia stop. You know nothing will come of this. That rational part of my brain was yelling at me. Aside from the fact this isn't really the place to do this, I know doing anything with Landon was a bad idea. Of course that only seemed to make me want to do it even more.

Swallowing I forced myself to look away from those piercing eyes back to the football field. I needed to get a grip.

Shouting forced my attention back to the game just in time to see Mateo grabbing the ball. He stepped backwards looking down the field at his other teammates. When a huge guy from the opposing team came up on him I held my breath. It looked like the guy could squash Mateo. Down the line I could practically feel Evelyn's own anxiety as she watched her youngest.

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