Chapter 24...

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People always leave.

Lydia's words ring in my head as I leaned against the counter, nursing a cup of coffee. It was only a few minutes after 8 but after getting no sleep I decided to hit the gym early this morning, hoping to clear my head a bit.

Last night was a roller coaster to say the least.

* * * * * * * * * * *

7 hours before.....

"Well shit." Trevor swore, laying back on Bryton's couch as he shook his head.

"Of course they are making it to the playoffs." Bryton tipped back the last of his beer with a shake of his head.

"We beat them last year. It won't be any different this time." Wyatt shrugged not at all fazed. One reason why he was such a good Captain. Nothing fazed him when it came to hockey. Not a 200 pound man barreling towards him on the ice or their rival team making the playoffs.

"At least you won't have to play them for awhile, unless they get knocked out." I pointed out. They all nodded in agreement.

"Think the girls will be home soon?" Bryton asked a few minutes later, glancing at the clock. It was nearing one in the morning which seems a bit late for the girls to be out still. All night everyone, including me, has been glancing at the clock every few minutes. Phones in our laps incase any of them call or text.

"It is a bit late." Trevor frowned looking at his phone.

Lydia may not be my...well I wasn't even sure what to call us but I still felt a bit anxious about her being out so late. She can take care of herself but that doesn't stop my worrying. The worry I was currently trying to keep down so the guys wouldn't notice.

"Maybe I should text Jo-" Wyatt went to say only for his phone to start ringing. If I wasn't worried about Lydia I would have laughed at how fast Trevor and Bryton sat straight up. Wyatt wasted no time in picking up the phone.

"Hello?" The way his expression darkened I had a feeling the call was not one we were expecting. "I see. We will be there shortly."

"What is it?" Trevor moved to sit on the edge of the couch. Wyatt looked at all of us with a clenched jaw.

"The girls got arrested."

I sat there letting the news sink in for a moment before jumping to my feet. There was no way in hell I was about to let Lydia stay inside a jail cell any longer than she has too. I know from past experience that the girls would have to stay over night usually but I had three of Toronto's favorite athletes with me. There was no way the girls were staying the night.

Me getting up spurred the others into motion. In a matter of seconds we were all out the door, heading for our cars. Thank god we all drove to Bryton's separately.

I jumped in my truck and wasted no time in pulling out of Bryton's neighborhood and heading straight for the police station. The guys were right behind me as we headed to get our girls.

I couldn't help the worry building in my chest as I drove. Lydia was in a jail cell right now. What the hell happened to get her there. They were suppose to be doing a simple bachelorette party for Josie. The thought of something bad happening to Lydia made my chest tight. I needed to see with my own eyes that she was okay.

It took no time to get to the police station. I barely turned off my truck before I was jumping out. The guys were just as impatient as I was as the four of us headed straight for the front door. I could practically feel the tension coming off everyone as we came to the front desk.

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