Chapter 33....

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They all stood there in stunned silence. It took a minute for my words to sink in before they all spoke at once.

"Coach? As in our coach?" Trevor asked.

"Coach coach?" Bryton added.

"Woah." Tasha breathed.

"Wyatt's mom and Coach Barnum." Sydni said, her eyebrows raised.

"Oh shit Wyatt's mom." Trevor turned to Bryton. The two of them shaking their heads as if they couldn't believe it.

"I thought I was seeing things but I saw them leaning against one of the tree trunks. I had just talked to Coach a few minutes before so I know its him."

"I did say a bit ago that Evelyn looked to be texting someone. She's been really giddy the past few months."

"She has been. When we went to the painting class," Sydni looked at Tasha and I. "I saw her smiling down at her phone."

"Wonder if they've been seeing each other for awhile now." Tasha wondered out loud.

"Landon didn't see them?" Trevor asked.

"No, he was off with Mateo." I shook my head.

"Josie and Wyatt are going to walk in any minute." Tasha glanced over at the tent. Music coming through the openings.

Any minute now Josie and Wyatt were going to make their entrance. And I know Landon will come looking for me.

"What do we do?" I asked the group. We all stood there staring at one another.

"Do we tell them?" Bryton asked. I couldn't even begin to imagine what Wyatt, Landon or Mateo were going to do if and when they find out.

"Just go up to Wyatt on his wedding day and be like 'hey dude, so your mom was making out with Coach and we think they are seeing each other'. Yeah that will go great." Trevor shot Bryton a look.

"Wouldn't it be better than any of them catching the two?" Bryton shot back.

I bit my lip unsure what to do. I couldn't go up to Landon and tell him. If he was going to find out it should be from his own mother, not me.

"Maybe Evelyn plans on telling them soon." Sydni butted in. "Maybe she hasn't found the right time.

"I think we just wait and see if Evelyn or Coach Barnum says anything to any of the three."

"I agree with Tasha. They might be seeing where their relationship is going before telling them." I added.

"So we just pretend we don't know?" At Bryton's words we all looked at one another. Slowly we all nodded.


"Wyatt's going to kill us if he finds out we knew."

"It's not our place to tell any of them." Tasha said in a firm tone. "Let Evelyn and Coach tell them when they are ready." She leveled Bryton and Trevor with hard looks. "Okay?"

"Okay." Both sighed.

"God can't believe its Coach. Who knew the guy was a romantic." Trevor shook his head.

"Evelyn and Coach were not on my bingo card." Bryton ran his hand through his hair.

At the sound of voices growing we all looked towards the tent. Must be Josie and Wyatt.

"Not a word." I looked at the boys mainly. "We better go."

I could tell we were all still reeling from the news as we made our way back to the tent. We walked through just in time for Josie and Wyatt to make their entrance. The girls and I shared a look before nodding towards the bar.

Fear of Loveحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن