Chapter 8 // Sharing is Caring

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Twelfth grade / Age 18...

The only thing heard in the peaceful room is the rustling of sheets. Lips are softly connecting. Skin is being caressed in the most delicate of ways. Some clothes are thrown about the room, but for the most part, the actions remain innocent and tender.

Vincent's hands softly slide up Sabrina's hips and ribs. Sabrina smiles into the action as she runs her fingers through his soft black hair and presses her body against his.

The couple just came back from their sixth-month anniversary dinner, so affection has been coursing through their souls.

Vincent and Sabrina instantly hit it off in the weeks following their junior prom and began dating shortly after. Although he has never pegged himself as the relationship type, Vincent greatly enjoys the girl's company because she understands all of his weird quirks and doesn't try to change him. If Vincent wants a day to himself, she doesn't get offended. She also doesn't complain about Vincent's lack of affection because she cares enough to realize that his caring actions are the way he expresses himself best–not words or touch.

Vincent gently rolls over so that Sabrina is now underneath him. She lovingly gazes up at her boyfriend, wrapping her arms around his neck because she has never felt so safe with another person in only her undergarments. Likewise, Vincent is shirtless, happily staring down at Sabrina because he's never felt this close to another girl.

"Love you," Sabrina whispers, gliding her hands up his muscles back.

"Uh...l-love you too," Vincent repeats even though he is still not used to expressing his feelings openly.

Vincent smiles before faintly attaching his lips to the girl's neck. Sabrina sighs blissfully at the sensation as her eyes flutter shut and she feels herself sinking into his care.

Only a few people know this about Vincent, but he can be the gentlest person to exist with the right people. His select few soft spots belong to Asher, Hayden, and now Sabrina, who is his number one.

As things get more heated in Sabrina's bedroom, their lips collide faster than Vincent could've ever imagined with another person. His tongue licks into her mouth and Sabrina matches his pace with enthusiasm. As a matter of fact, Vincent is feeling very lustful, but he also knows that there is no chance of them going any further than this, and for what reason? Vincent doesn't know.

Sabrina, unaware of Vincent's inner turmoil, hopes that they can finally open up to each other physically. They haven't exactly been intimate before, so Sabrina is hoping to finally satisfy a craving she's had for her boyfriend.

Sabrina cheekily grabs Vincent's hands as their lips are hot and heavy. Vincent doesn't think much of the action, instantly lacing their fingers, but he feels nervousness shake his bones when she rests it right over her belly button. Wanting to not cross into that territory, Vincent tries to distract his girlfriend by sucking her collarbone, but Sabrina has always been very open at expressing what she wants.

Sabrina starts dragging Vincent's hand down her skin and Vincent freaks out when his hand takes the tiniest dip into her underwear.

He rolls off of her body and sits on the edge of her bed, breathing heavily from their previous activities. He anxiously runs his hands through his hair as he closes his eyes.

Sabrina, albeit very confused by his actions, sits up in bed and stares at her boyfriend.

"Shit, I'm sorry," he mutters, wondering why it's so hard for him to show him all of her.

"It's okay," Sabrina smiles softly, wrapping a blanket around her body before she cuddles up to Vincent's shoulder. She sweetly lays her head on his shoulder, showing that she isn't upset with him at all. "It's okay to not want to go any further. Sorry for making you uncomfortable."

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