Chapter 20 // Breakup and Make Up

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Author's Note ~~~

Since this book isn't labeled as mature, thought I would go ahead and warn you guys that there is sexual content in this chapter. If you don't wish to read it, please don't continue reading past the second scene break. And for another reminder, anytime someone is speaking in italics, it means they are speaking in Vincent's second language.



Age 26...

Vincent groans, the flurry of bed sheets and blankets around him making him too hot. From the long night he had yesterday at his school with the open house for his students, he wanted to sleep in for as long as humanly possible, but his discomfort is blocking his goal. He squeezes his eyes shut, tosses and turns in his bed, and takes a deep breath, needing at least a couple more hours of snooze time.

However, before he can finally relax, he lets out a tired whisper, "Hayden, you awake?"

When he receives no response, his arm crawls through the sheets to try and find his boyfriend's waist—just like it does every morning.

He pops one eye open suspiciously when he realizes that Hayden isn't occupying his usual half of the bed.

"Hayden?" Vincent repeats, lifting his head up tiredly with horribly disheveled hair and looking accusingly at his empty bed as if it will make Hayden magically appear.

There's a little voice of worry in the back of Vincent's head that he instantly tries to push away. Vincent knows that Hayden can take care of himself but that doesn't stop him from being protective, especially with how whipped he is for that man.

He instantly reaches for his phone and his eyebrows furrow in confusion when not a single notification from Hayden pops up.

Vincent thinks back to last night when he stumbled into his apartment. Almost everything in their living room and kitchen is packed away into brown boxes piled up to his height since he and Hayden are transitioning to their very first house. Although Vincent is excited about the place they just bought, when he was tumbling through the cluttered space after a long day of work last night, his boyfriend completely slipped his mind. All he could think about was sleep at that moment, and now Vincent is starting to panic since he knows for a fact that when he climbed into bed yesterday, Hayden wasn't there.

Vincent shoots out from his sheets, immediately waltzing into the bathroom to get ready as he dials Hayden's number. He sighs heavily when Hayden doesn't answer but begins brushing his teeth. Only then does he catch the time—it's nearly 2. Vincent can't believe he wanted to go back to sleep when he's slept for more than ten hours.

While Vincent absentmindedly continues to cleanse his mouth, his eyes pan all around the mirror, looking at the expanse of the room. Suddenly, he focuses on the small cup to the right of the sink that typically houses both of their toothbrushes. The only problem is that Hayden's is missing.

"The fuck?" Vincent huffs, opening the cabinets below to see if his toothbrush miraculously ended up in there, but he is left even more bewildered when he realizes that none of Hayden's usual hygiene products are there. His pomade is gone, the light-colored lotion he uses every day that Vincent secretly loves the smell of, even Hayden's awful-smelling cologne that he wears just to spite Vincent.

Not even bothering to wash his mouth out, he stumbles to their closet with his toothbrush hanging halfway out of his mouth. Although some of their clothes are already at their new home, Hayden should still have some belongings in the space, so imagine Vincent's surprise when he finds none.

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