Chapter 14 // The Christmas Crew

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Third year of college / Age 21...

"Hayden, if you really don't want to tell anyone, then you have to act the part," Vincent claims as they are walking down the street.

Hayden sighs, tugging Vincent tighter to him. "I know...I just hate pretending that you aren't important to me."

"Nobody is forcing you to hide our relationship," Vincent explains softly.

Hayden looks down in shame. If only it were that easy.

"Alright, I'll drop it," Vincent says. "I'm sorry."

Hayden nods but shivers when a particularly chilly gust of wind washes over them. He lets go of Vincent to protectively wrap his arms around himself as if it will protect him from the frigid December air.

Vincent instantly shrugs off his jacket because, unlike Hayden, he actually checks his phone before stepping outside. He's used to being the one who is always prepared and loves to subtly take care of Hayden.

He stops and tugs on Hayden's arm. Hayden turns around in question but displays a little fond smile when Vincent helps another jacket onto his shoulders. Vincent then adjusts the scarf around Hayden's neck, pulling the thick fabric over his rosy nose and cheeks.

Vincent then turns around and keeps walking, acting like he didn't do anything. Hayden quietly laughs to himself before catching up with his boyfriend and shoving his hand into Vincent's jacket pocket to find his fingers.

"Don't stress about it, Hayden," Vincent whispers. "It's a Christmas party. We are supposed to have a good time. It'll be good to have all our friends in one place."

"Yeah, but when I'm at a party, I just want to make out with your face," Hayden huffs.

Vincent lets out a laugh, turning his head to stare into his boyfriend's eyes that hold so much vulnerability and truth.

"It's only a few hours," Vincent declares. "After that, I'm all yours."

Hayden takes a deep breath and nods. He requested keeping the relationship on the down low yet he is the one most nervous about the event.

"I just won't touch you...or look at you...or—ugh!" He throws his hands up in the air with a groan. "I hate this already!"

"Hayden, you not doing any of those things is suspicious as hell," Vincent chuckles. "You've sat on my lap and cuddled up to me well before we even had feelings for each other."

"Did not," Hayden pouts, looking away guiltily.

"Okay, Pinocchio," Vincent teases.

Before Hayden gets to say anything back, little white flurries start to fill the air and Hayden lights up like a ball of sunshine in the dark night. He pulls his scarf down so he can catch a snowflake on his tongue, and Vincent watches the childish actions endearingly.

With a small skip in Hayden's step, the two eventually see Cecilia's house at the end of the street. Hayden's mood immediately changes, knowing that he won't be able to be himself in those confines.

Vincent quickly pulls his boyfriend around a fence where streetlights are absent. He presses Hayden against the wall and carefully steps close to him.

"Stop worrying about it, stupid," Vincent says softly, his warm breath touching Hayden's face from their proximity. "I can see you freaking out about it, and I promise you it's not a big deal. And if at some point in the night, you aren't okay or need a break, then just step away and I will come find you. You're a fucking idiot for letting this dampen your mood. I'm surprised you aren't ecstatic that there's going to be alcohol and you are actually of drinking age."

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