Chapter 15 // Welcome Back...Hottie

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Fourth year of college / Age 22...

Vincent finds himself putting outstretched hands on the clear glass in front of him each time a new airplane lands. However, when he realizes that he looks like the excited five-year-old next to him who is puffing his hot breath against the window, Vincent clears his throat and takes a seat. He pulls out his phone and swiftly tosses everyone around him—who isn't even looking at him, by the way—a glare for judging his excitement.

But how could he not be waiting on the edge of his seat? How could his body not be prickling with thrill at the idea that his boyfriend is going to be standing before him when they've been apart for nearly three months?

For someone so calm and collected, Vincent is nearly losing his shit. His eyes are flicking around to make sure that he is maintaining his subtleness.

Honestly speaking, although Vincent is very faithful in his relationship, he is guilty of having doubts in the beginning. Scared of the performance Hayden displayed in high school with his academics, Vincent thought his boyfriend wouldn't ever find the drive to improve for himself and his future. Nonetheless, Hayden has proved Vincent wrong, and the latter couldn't be prouder.

Over the summer, Hayden got a huge internship out of state that he dedicated nearly all his time to. Hayden called whenever he got a chance and most of the time was exhausted by the workload, but listening to Vincent's smooth voice whisper in his ear late at night like he was right next to him was what kept him going.

Vincent never imagined Hayden and accounting going together, but in some strange universe, it does. Thinking about Hayden being the sole operator of a bunch of financial accounts and money sounds like a nightmare from hell, but Hayden has to be doing something right to get such high praise in his career thus far.

Although Vincent has his own apartment back home, he visited Scott nearly every day over the summer, their bond growing stronger than ever over Hayden's missing presence. And when the pair found out that Hayden wouldn't be back until three days before college started, Scott helped Vincent pack up all his stuff and start moving into his new dorm along with bringing whatever he thought his son might need.

Vincent really doesn't have much of a college life when Hayden isn't around, and although Vincent would never admit this to his face, his boyfriend helps him live life to the fullest. Vincent has been hiding away with his books in his room since he arrived at college for his senior year, so he's actually happy that he knows Hayden is going to want to go out and do something tonight. There is always a time and a place for Hayden's spontaneity—he usually picks the wrong time—but Vincent is coming to the realization that he needs that to be a better version of himself.

Goddamn. Vincent has really been missing his boyfriend. The sappy side of his brain has flipped on and he shudders in disgust when it won't flip back off.

Being too consumed by his loving thoughts of Hayden—as if it's anything to be embarrassed about—Vincent doesn't notice that the last flight that landed is now unloading guests.

He sighs before looking up at the flurry of people with luggage and backpacks. He watches families and couples reunite with beautiful smiles, feeling a deep hurt ebbing away at his heart the longer he waits.

God, he just has to have that stupid man in his arms.

Vincent's entire body goes stiff when he sees a head full of frizzy brown hair sticking out under a cap. He easily recognizes the person sporting one of his favorite sweatshirts that he thought went missing.

Vincent's legs move before his mind does. He briskly weaves through jet-lagged individuals, and as if sensing his presence, Hayden turns around.

Vincent wishes he could get a video of the way Hayden's face lights up—his eyes elated and a grin so marvelous that it's almost as if a spell is cast on Vincent, transferring a little smile to his lips as well.

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