Chaper 9.5 // Practice Makes Perfect, Right?

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Author's Note~~~
Just thought I'd let you know that this is literally just the first bonus chapter of 'Flowers for Football' so if you've already read it, you don't have to read it again (but are more than welcome to;)). It felt right to include since it leads right into the next chapter, but be mindful that I didn't change anything so it is from Vincent's point of view. Not only that, but I did write this chapter before I even started planning this story so I apologize if things don't quite line up or something is repeated but I tried to subtly correct all that I could. Anyways enjoy!



Freshman year of college / Age 18...

I groan and slam my hand on my alarm clock as it causes my hangover to worsen.

Hayden convinced me to loosen up a bit more at the party we attended last night, and I am seriously regretting that decision. As a matter of fact, I don't know why I should've listened to a fucking thing that came out of his mouth when I briefly open my eyes and instantly want to hide under my blanket for the rest of the day.

I don't even realize that I'm drifting off to sleep until my snooze alarm blares and I end up almost cracking my phone screen as I angrily jam my finger into the button.

I carefully sit up in bed, trying to ignore the pounding in my head as I run my fingers through my unruly hair. The dim dorm room light above me feels like it has the power of a million suns, burning into my eyes. Of all things, at least I'm not suffering from a gnarly case of nausea. However, that drinking game from last night is definitely still kicking my ass.

Through squinting eyes, I glance all around the room. Nothing looks out of the ordinary: Hayden's disastrous part of the room looks like a hurricane swept through it as always while mine is as tidy as can be. However, when I notice Hayden's empty bed, I can't help but wonder where the idiot is.

I stumble out of bed to head to the bathroom, but I don't need to wonder about my best friend anymore when I almost trip over a limb.

I look down. Lo and behold, Hayden Williams is sprawled out, face down on the floor, with nothing but a Speedo on.

I don't even want to know.

"Hayden," I mumble, nudging his side with my foot.

When he doesn't move, I grab a pillow off my bed before chucking it at the back of his head.

He abruptly shoots up and screams, "It's a party in the U.S.A!"

"Dude," I groan, clutching my temple as he sends an aching pain through my skull.

"It's a the...U.S.—wait." He thankfully stops his horrid singing before looking up at me. He then takes in his surroundings and his nudity before confusion strikes his face. "Well, how the fuck did I get here?" he says in a chipper tone.

"You tell me," I mutter as I grab an aspirin and chug a bottle of water.

"Last I remember," he begins in a tone that is way too upbeat and normal sounding for the amount he drank yesterday. "There was spin the bottle, body shots, seven minutes in heaven, and some smoking hot people in the pool so my question is, how on earth did I get dragged back here with you?"

"How are you even alive?" I counter, slouching on my bed.

"Vinnyyyyy," he whines in a tone that I know all too well after hanging around his ass for years. "You aren't asking the real questions here!"

"Is 'how are you not dead' better?" I raise an eyebrow. "I saw you take at least ten shots yesterday."

"It's hard being me," he shrugs smugly. "Can't contain this much awesomeness anywhere else.

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