Chapter 12 // Some Healthy Communication

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Sophomore year of college / Age 19...

Hayden is hopelessly staring out of the window as the sounds of rotating laundry barrels taint his ears. This may be the first time he has successfully done laundry without setting the dryer on fire or turning all his clothes pink–not that Hayden's complaining–but something else is on his mind that clouds his excitement.

He sighs and rests his head on his palm, watching a sweet couple outside swing their conjoined hands happily as gleeful smiles stretch across their faces. Hayden huffs in annoyance before looking elsewhere but only ends up disappointed when he sees a loving couple share a sickeningly sweet kiss before embracing.

Over the past few weeks, Hayden has felt himself becoming increasingly insecure in his relationship, and he hates that he feels this way too. Hayden knows that Vincent cares for him, but Hayden lights up at hearing his voice, at sleeping next to him each night, and even feels special when Vincent looks at him a certain way. However, Vincent just looks indifferent to all of Hayden's actions by this point and Hayden wants the assurance of knowing that Vincent likes him with the same amount of passion and intensity...but Vincent never talks about his feelings.

It certainly doesn't help that it is almost four in the afternoon and Vincent has shown no signs of remembering their one-year anniversary.

Hayden knows that he is only digging himself a deeper grave the more that he thinks about it and the more that he researches what other relationships are like, but he just can't help himself.

After twelve months, not a single 'I love you' has been muttered. After 365 days, Vincent still hardly ever touches him. After 525600 minutes, Vincent has yet to compliment him or tell him how important he is or make even a simple fucking romantic gesture–the list of Vincent's shortcomings goes on and on.

Yes, the couple has had sex, but in a way, that makes Hayden feel even worse. And it's Hayden of all people. Nobody loves the horizontal hula more than the free-spirited Hayden Williams, but somehow his own boyfriend is making him feel neglected.

Hayden is also experiencing a lot of firsts with Vincent. Hell, this is the first time the boy has been in a stable relationship. It's also the first time he has kept his lips off-limits to the public, so he is feeling pretty proud of himself–if only Vincent could see that.

Hayden is pulled from his thoughts when someone bumps his hip. He swiftly moves out of the way only to find Vincent opening the door to his dryer with a smirk.

"My instincts told me that you forgot dryer sheets," Vincent says softly.

"Dammit," Hayden groans. "I was doing so good. Look, the laundry room is still intact!"

Vincent playfully looks around to humor his boyfriend before dryly saying, "I see that."

Hayden crosses his arms and leans back against the row of machines before saying, "How did you even find me?"

"Well," Vincent begins. "If you weren't doing stupid shit on the roof and you weren't in the cafeteria taking advantage of the unlimited cake buffet, I figured that you were surprisingly doing something productive for once in your life."

Hayden huffs before defiantly looking out of the window at the comment.

Vincent hops onto the folding counter before gently asking, "Hey, is something wrong? You've been kind of off all day."

"Vinny, I don't know if this is all some sick joke or something, but it isn't fruity, fun, or fresh."

"What?" Vincent says, stifling a laugh.

"Vincent, do you really not know?" Hayden then says smally, hugging his arms tightly around himself.

"Know what?" Vincent responds in the same, delicate tone of voice he always uses to address his boyfriend.

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