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This is probably gonna suck so please no hate.

Tom's pov

I walked along the sidewalk. I was out alone drunk some days I'd be sober enough to walk home other days I'd pass out on the sidewalk because of how much I drunk. I heard a car driving behind me but it never pass me but I was to drunk to think about it then the noise stopped I shrugged it off as they had obviously parked in their driveway or something and then  I was attacked from behind. "Hey what's the big mmmph mmmph!" I yelled someone placed a rag over my mouth trying to muffle my yelling. I dropped my canister of alcohol and I tried fighting back but whoever attacked me didn't plan on having a loose grip on me as they were holding my arms down beside my sides tightly and leaning me back so I was to off balance to kick. My vision slowly went blurry and my eyes started to close. Finally my eyes closed as I passed out.

No one's pov
Tom was carried into the van unconscious and thrown in the back by the man who had knocked him out and then the other guy keeping the cigarette in his mouth blindfolded him in case he woke up while they were driving. (If you have already guessed who captured Tom good job!) They got in the car and drove off, the roads and streets quiet no witnesses to what had just happened. They drove further and further away from the city and from Edd, Matt and Tom's apparentments and closer to a base in the middle of nowhere with a Red Army symbol. They parked outside the door and dragged Tom to a small white box like cell with a reinforced steel door and a bullet proof glass wall for viewing into or out of the cell the room was small not a lot of room to move around, they chained Tom's wrists and neck to the back wall and his ankles to the floor and then shut and locked the door to go report to there leader he was here.

Tom's pov again
I slowly woke up my head hurting with a massive headache I clutched my head and when I opened my eyes and saw the chains I pulled on the chains but they wouldn't budge. I pulled on the chain around the neck and moved my ankles but they just stayed where they where. I got up luckily the chains were long enough that they aloud me to move but after examining the area I realised I wasn't getting out of here anytime soon without using my monster form and I didn't want more people checking the streets for me because they knew my secret. I'd just have to wait until I had the chance to escape in my normal form. I heard footsteps and then someone knocked on the glass wall which appeared to be bullet proof I looked up and was surprised and angry by what I saw. Someone I gladly accepted was dead or at least wasn't in our lives anymore was staring at me through the glass with a stupid smirk on his face.

Monster TomTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang