Returning home

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Tord's Pov
I saw Tom stumble before kneeling and had to admit his resistance was amazing, he kneeled behind the grate trying to protect himself still from the tranquilizers his tail curled around him and I decided it had gone on long enough so I held my hand up signalling my soliders to cease fire and walked over to him. "Tom, the battle is finished, it's over, give up." I said trying to convince him to give up peacefully. But Tom was as stubborn as always and refused to give up. He fell to the ground and he tried to get up so I placed my foot on him so he'd give up. Suddenly the wall got destroyed sending debri and dust everywhere, I looked away and Tom knocked me over as he ran over to the jeep Amber was driving. I got back up and loaded the extra strong tranquilizer dart into my gun. I waited for a clear shot he was near the driver's side and I had a clear shot but I hesitated I couldn't bring myself to do it, so I shot it but purposefully missed. Tom got in the jeep quickly and drove away. I lowered my head and let my arms drop to my side as Patryck walked up to me. "Sir-" "Don't. Just don't." I walked back to my office and slammed the door behind me. What the heck is wrong with me! He was right there. And I just let him leave I hesitated, why?? I've never hesitated, but I hesitate now?! I paced around my office when my eyes landed on the picture of all of us. I had shoved it in the desk to get rid of guilt. Tom's message on the sticky note popped into my head, I did miss them but I was part of the Red Army now and the leader I couldn't be holding back especially just because of my old friends. The term old friends made me clutch my desk, I shook my head. No! Shut up Tord! Your the leader of the Red Army and you'll act like it and you shouldn't let Anyone stand in your way. They're just obstacles. Forget the memories you made that's over, you made a choice. I sat at my desk and started trying to figure out a way to get Tom back, I looked at Amber's journal writing down notes maybe I could find a weakness, I also thought about what I found out about Tom while he was here.

Tom's Pov
We drove for hours trying to find out which direction was the city. It eventually got dark and we decided to rest in the car until morning. We drove up a hill and I could see the city it seemed beautiful from up here almost like a light show display or something. "Is that where you live?" Amber asked she really hadn't seen outside of Tord's base. "Yea. You can explore the world now."

I looked in the boot and found some sleeping bags and some jackets. I jumped back, reclined the seats then I placed the sleeping bags on the seats and turned the jackets into makeshift pillows. "This will have to do for tonight. Tomorrow we'll drive to my apartment, you can stay with me." I said as Amber got into the sleeping bag, coming back from keeping watch. "It doesn't seem like anyone knows where we are yet. Do you think they know where you live?" Amber asked. "I don't think so but just incase we'll lay low for a couple days." I replied looking at the city. "Ok, night Tom." "Night Amber." I got out of the jeep and sat on the hood of the jeep in thought. Tord, why did you miss? I guess I just got lucky today. Oh well, Edd and Matt will be happy to see me. I smiled sighing looking at the city before also going to sleep in my sleeping bag.

Edd's pov
It'd been a month and a half since Tom went missing and I had given up hope, Tom was gone. Matt was watching tv with me in my apartment when there was a knock at the door. Strange. I'm not out of cola yet but hey I won't turn down free cola. Matt and I went toward the door and opened it expecting to see the mail man. Our eyes went wide when we realised who it was. It was Tom! "Tom!!" I lunged forward and hugged Tom. "Heh, hey Edd." Tom said smiling. His hands were in his hoodie pockets, his hoodie was a little torn but otherwise he looked the same as when he left. "Where were you? What happened? Are you ok? Were you kidnapped? Who kidnapped you?!" I bombarded Tom with questions and wanting to know what happened then my eyes landed on the girl next to Tom. She looked shy, she was slightly behind Tom, she had light brown hair which was in a braid and her skin was a peach colour, she was wearing black ripped jeans and a blue top, her eyes were a nice hazel colour. She looked about 18 maybe 19. "Tom, who's this?" I look at her puzzled trying to get a better look. "Oh right! This is Amber. Amber this is Edd and Matt remember my friends I told you about." He said introducing us. "Hi I'm Edd this is Matt." "Hi, sorry I'm just not used to being in the city and can get nervous and shy." Amber said in a sweet tone. "That's ok. Anyway come in you must be starving and pretty thirsty come in." Tom and Amber walked into my apartment, Amber seemed a bit more at ease now.

We sat down on the couch Amber was drinking some water same as Matt and Tom was drinking alcohol out of his spare canister while I drank some cola. I was glad Tom hadn't changed much. "So, Tom what happened? We looked everywhere for you we even put up missing posters and asked around but we couldn't find you?" I asked. "Well..." He looked at Amber then looked at me. "It's a long story."

*Hope you all like this chapter! Also as you've probably already noticed now I've started using a new font to symbolise a character's thoughts anyway thanks guys for reading my book it's really nice to know people like this book thank you! <3*

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