His stupid smirk

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PG-13 Just because it mentions alcohol and smoking (please don't smoke it's bad for you! I'm just adding it because Tord smokes in the series) oh and they fight a lot in this chapter.

The video up the top is one of my favourite Monster Tom videos hope you like it! Credit to kayton gamer P.s I make these late at night or early in the morning so they might suck a bit.

Tom's pov
He was there standing right in front of me, someone I gladly hoped was dead, Tord. Half of his face was scarred, and his right arm was replaced by a robot arm probably because I blew up his stupid robot. "Good morning, Thomas" Tord said in a sweet tone after he knocked on the glass, "How are you feeling?" I couldn't believe him he knew exactly how I felt I could tell because his smirk grew slightly when he asked how I was, I felt my monster bubble to the surface but I pushed it down I didn't know what Tord would do if he knew I had a monster form. "Honestly?! I have a massive headache, and I'm locked in this box, I'm away from Edd and Matt and your here! So yeah not happy. Why did you bring me here commie," I spat and started walking around the room "and what's with the damn shackles." I said shaking the shackles around my ankles as I said that still walking around the box. "Well first of that's Red Leader to you Thomas and second we can't just not shackle your monster otherwise if it gets out we're all doomed you should know that much about that monster that lives inside of you." Tord responded. He... he knew?! I stopped dead in my tracks hearing what he just said. Having my back to him how'd he know about my monster form what was he going to do, what won't he do to me? "Awww what's wrong Thomas, didn't think I knew? Why do you think I was trying to make you so mad when I came back huh? I wanted to see if I could achieve making your monster show itself Tom, but alas I did not see a glimpse of that monster inside of you what a shame." He said snickering. I was fuming, to him all of this was a game. I whipped around and smashed my fist against the glass. "Let Me Out Commie!!" I yelled. "That's not how this works Thomas you are going to be my new pet and secret weapon Thomas." He said his smirk growing. How much I hated that stupid smirk. "Stop calling me Thomas! That's not what I go by! And I'm not gonna be your little plaything for your blasted army!!" I yelled the monster rose to the surface I didn't push it away this time the monster wanted to wipe that stupid smirk off his face as much as I did, and I didn't have any alcohol to calm me down. The monster's horns grew out of my head, the monster's long thick black tail lashed, and my arms turned into blackish purple claws. (I'm just following what fan art of his half monster form looks like also someone tell me is he scaly or furry because I watched Super Edd and just automatically thought he had scales but then I read a book where he had fur which is it can someone, please tell me?!) "Aww is someone angry without there alcohol, you're to addicted to it anyway you have an alcohol addiction." He teased. "Shut up Tord you smoke! Which is way worse! And your addicted to that!" I yelled back the monster's features getting more noticeable. "Tsk tsk tsk temper temper. Save your monster form for the battlefield when I've broken you into my loyal pet!" He said enjoying annoying me. I snapped, I fully turned into my monster form whipping around to face him or more correctly the monster that lived inside of me did. It growled at the Norwegian on all fours still towering over him honestly, I couldn't blame it for growling Tord was intolerable, annoying and a terrible person. It banged its body against the glass wall trying to break through, the shackles had broken off on my arms and legs but was still around my neck. If my monster broke through and was quick enough I knew what would happen it would kill Tord something I wouldn't be against better yet the police wouldn't be able to trace it back to me, my monster wasn't dumb if it killed Tord it would place his body in the forest so the police would think it was a random animal attack then all I'd have to is wash of the blood and go home and I wouldn't be a suspect in Tord's murder, his monster form would still be under wraps and Tord would be gone for good it was a win win situation. Unlucky for me the glass didn't break it only made a banging noise which made guards come into the room as Red Leader radioed for some of his army to come and calm me down. Several guards in red and black uniforms with tranquilizer guns and unlocked the reinforced steel door Tord stood behind them in case I lashed out and started attacking "that coward!" I thought bitterly. My monster swung a giant claw at several guards and the ones that dodged my monster's attack opened fire. Enraged it smacked them away with it's thick black tail against the wall the tranquilizer darts slowed me down but didn't knock me out. Someone tasered me from behind on my back leg and I turned to face her she looked scared backing away the second I turned to her. She backed up and then accidentally tripped and fell to the floor. "Ow." When she looked up she gasped seeing me stand right in front of her now she looked so frightened of me, further to the point she looked 18 while most of Tord's soliders looked to be in there mid twenties if I had any guess being here and following orders from Tord wasn't her choice. "Please don't kill me I didn't mean to hurt and anger you I'm just following orders!" She yelled frightened and then looked down in dismay I was right being here and following orders wasn't what she wanted so I left her this wasn't her choice she wasn't evil like the rest she didn't have a choice, none of this was her fault. She looked surprised and amazed when I just walked away from her without attacking she also looked grateful. As I walked I felt a pinch Tord had shot me with a tranquilizer and that was the tipping point I slowly couldn't stand anymore the girl ran up to me but stopped when Tord ordered her to not come any closer because I was quote unquote unpredictable and dangerous. I managed a small growl as Tord walked up to me as I was slowly beginning to loose consciousness he kneeled down in front of me and as my eyes were almost closed he pet my monster's snout. "Don't worry when you wake up we'll begin the taming sessions." He whispered snickering, all I could manage was a small growl before I past out.

If you like this book please share it with others it would make me so happy <3

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