Breaking sessions

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Tord's Pov
"Amber go get the leash and shock collar." Tord ordered to the 18 year old who was still standing about a foot away from Tom. "Are you sure that's necessary Sir? I mean he didn't attack me may-" Amber got cut off by Tord. "Yes. He's dangerous and unpredictable, so the shock collar should make sure he behaves." He says with a sinister grin looking at Tom unconscious on the floor now in his normal human form. Amber walked off without another word and Tord turned to his unconscious enemy. "Hm, we should get you to the training hall to start breaking and training you." He says smirking at him. He pointed to two of his soldiers and ordered them to take him to training hall he'd be waiting there and with that he left the room.

Tom's pov
I woke up rather dazed the tranquilizer darts had done a number on me I winced feeling all the pin pricks from the darts. I looked around to see what I assumed to be a training hall. "Ugh great" I thought and then I saw the 18-year-old standing a couple feet away staring at me. I got up and walked over to her she seemed slightly worried when I came over but didn't run away. "Hi, I'm Tom sorry if I scared you when I was in my monster form I just... Tord gets on my nerves." I greeted rubbing my neck awkwardly. "It's ok. Is Tord Red Leader's real name?" She asked. "Yea he used to live with us until he was a dirty little backstabber and blew up our house." I replied with a bitter tone thinking about the commie's giant robot blowing up our house trying to kill me.

"Oh, I didn't know that but who's us?" She asked I didn't mind all these questions it was kinda cute how she was so curious. "Edd, Matt and I, they're my friends." I said remembering my friends, I wondered if they realised, I was missing yet. "Oh," She seemed a little sad. "What's wrong?" Her sudden sadness from her bubbly happiness and curiosity made me worried. "It's just, I don't have any friends I don't even really know my family all I have is a photo and blurry images in my head Red Leader took me away to work for him when I was really young." She said in dismay, Stupid commie, it was one thing if he ruined my life, it was another to ruin someone else's it made my monster want to attack him, how he just didn't care about anyone but himself. "On a happier note at least, I got to meet you! My name's Amber by the way!" Amber said in a bubbly tone extending her hand for me to shake. I shook her hand. "Um, there's something I should tell you." Amber said a bit of I guess worry in her voice. "Yea?" I was confused what she wanted to tell me. "What do you want to tell me?" I said cocking my head. "Red Leader ordered me to-" Amber got cut off by Tord's cocky voice. "Oh, Good, Your awake Thomas." My muscles tensed. "Go Away Commie! It's one thing if you ruin my life it's totally different to steal a child away from her family to work for your stupid army! You're worse then the plague! Your still the jerk that Edd and Matt trusted and how did you you repay them by stabbing them in the back like the little backstabber that you are!" I yelled and Tord looked shocked maybe even a little bit of guilt but that quickly faded being replaced by a toothy smirk. "Now that's no way to talk to your leader now is it." He said smiling and then a painful shock was applied around my neck it was agonizing, I gritted my teeth trying to deal with the pain as I doubled over my eyes shut in pain. I tried to find what was causing the pain and felt a metal collar around my neck. "Tom!" Amber yelped and ran over to me, I felt her standing next to me trying to figure out what to do. "This is what I wanted to tell you Red Leader ordered me to put a shock collar around you. Here let me get it off." Amber reached for the collar to get it off from around my neck before Tord pushed her down on to the ground away from me. "Oh come on Amber I was just having a bit of fun." He chuckled and the shocking pain stopped. I panted I hadn't even realised I was holding my breath. "Are you ok Tom." She asked. "No because of this commie." I yelled getting in his face having to look up, because he was slightly taller than me.

"You acted like we were nothing to you the day you came back! Like we were just obstacles in your way." I yelled at him. "Because you are," he snickered. "I never came back because I liked you why do you think I left in the first place, please don't tell me you actually bought me saying 'I need to follow my dreams and make it in the big city!' " He says doing air quotes with his fingers while looking down at me with a grin. I slammed him against the nearest wall in anger, I didn't even realise Amber was trying to block out our fighting. He dropped a remote control which must have been controlling the shock collar around my neck and he didn't have his army to protect him this time. "Gah!" Tord groaned as he was slammed against the wall. "You were always really fierce and strong and of course smart... at times. But" I felt cold metal against my neck, he was holding a dagger against my neck. "I always had the upper hand, now get off! Unless you would rather die. So what's it going to be Thomas." He said trying to annoy me, I let my hands turn into blackish purple claws and put the razor sharp ends against Tord's throat. "Hah go ahead, you'll only end up killing yourself in the process commie. So looks like we're both in a pickle now lower your dagger." I said teasingly, I could feel my purplish black tail swaying side to side in amusement at Tord realising I was right that he couldn't kill me and couldn't kill him and that one of us would have to lower our weapon of choice to live. He got angry. "Your so stubborn why couldn't you have just left and not come back or even better turned into your monster form so I could use you when I came back!" He yelled I got angry and yelled back. "Why did you have to be a dirty backstabber." Tord was about yell at me when we got yelled at. "The both of you enough!" Amber yelled fiercely. "Looks like some kitty finally found her claws." Tord chuckled. "Tord you've gone way to far none of this is right and I know you don't care but guess what, you're going to be left without an army unless you at least are slightly nicer to Tom. And Tom can't you see this is what he wants he just wants to annoy you, can't you see that please don't give him what he wants." Amber looked at me with pleading eyes, I looked at her and then at my arch enemy. I sighed and threw him against the wall once more before walking away and letting my hands return to normal. "Thank you." Amber said sweetly. Amber talked me through what Tord wanted me to do since I wasn't going to to get annoyed at her, she told me Tord wanted to record how well I did on the training course so he could see how much my monster enhanced me physically, I understandably was not keen on this. "Oh come, Tom please. The quicker you get this done the quicker it's over with." Amber pleaded, I scowled "But that'll just show I've submitted to Tord and I'd rather not." I said crossing my arms glaring at Tord. "No it doesn't! Plus Tord's just going to zap you around the neck until you do it. And well I can't go against orders." Amber replied. "Well it would be easier if you just submitted to me Thomas." Tord said teasingly. "Oh shut up Tord!" Amber growled. "Woah ok sheath those claws of yours." Tord chuckled. Amber growled and then sighed in frustration. I chuckled it seems like someone found Tord as annoying as me. "I'll do the course on one condition, you have to race me. Unless you're not up to it?" I said raising an eyebrow at Amber. "You're on!" Amber said determination on her face.
We had raced around the obstacle course and Amber had won and we were now both puffed. "Who knew you were so fast I wouldn't have challenged you if I knew you were going to easily beat me!" I laughed and Amber laughed back. "What can I say I train a lot. Unless you were going easy on me." Amber teased. "Nah, I was giving it my all to beat you." I replied. "Alright Thomas, funs over, time to go back to your cell." The commie said tapping his foot waiting for me to get up then there was a zap around my neck I knew he was getting impatient. "Ugh fine fine, I'm coming." I got up and walked over to the commie. "I guess I'll see you tomorrow Tom!" Amber said walking off presumably to go do a job around Tord's base or back to her room. "I hope so your the only good thing about this place!" I yelled back to her. Tord chuckled. "I didn't know you were the type to have crushes Tom. So you like Amber huh." He laughed elbowing me when Amber was out of earshot at least he was courteous enough for that. "What!" I jumped yelling was it obvious I kind of liked Amber. "Oh come on, Tom I lived with you guys, you didn't expect me to see the difference of how you acted towards Amber." Tord chuckled. "Don't worry I won't tell her not yet anyway." He said leading me back to my cage. "Why you don't expect me to believe you're doing it out of the kindness of your heart do you." I said eyeing him suspiciously. "I get to tease you about it until you tell her." He said. I sighed I didn't like that Tord knew I had a crush on Amber and that she was trapped here but she was rather sweet and cute. Tord being able to see right past my normal bland expression and void eyes made me uncomfortable but I guess I'd have to live with it, until we got out of here at least.

This is my largest chapter on this yet sorry for the long wait for chapter 3 life has been busy and thank you to storiesofstupidity for the lovely comment of wanting to read more of my book that just made my day. <3 So here is the third chapter and I hope to release the fourth soon! Oh before I forget should I add Edd and Matt to the story? Let me know in the comments.

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