Chapter 3(Zoye)

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It's been a week and I have already witnessed multiple make outs, numerous break ups and tons of other shit. The only thing that stood out in all of this is the library that's at the very end of this campus. It has the prettiest architecture, and the collection of books is top tier. It's lunch break when a voice behind me stops me.

"Are you Miss Zoye?"

"Umm apparently I am."

"Well, the principle called you, come with me." He makes the gesture asking me to follow him.

I have never been to this part of the campus. Well, It's not like I get the time to roam around here and there. But I must say the architecture of this university is beyond something humans can describe. The hall that we took to reach here had statues carved out of jade.

"Here you go, this is the principal's office."

"Oh Okay Thank you."

I knock on the door.

No response. Should I just walk in or wait?

I wait for five minutes but when there's no response, I simply walk in. To my surprise there's no one there.

"Excuse me, who are you?" A heavy voice comes from behind. It's a man in his middle-forties.

"I am Zoye. The principle called me but he's not here."

"So, you are Zoye. Nice to meet you." He goes towards the desk and sits on the principal's chair.

"I am Syed Ahmad, the principal of the University of Jason. Why are you standing? You may sit." He gestures me to sit on the chair in front of his desk. I follow his order and settle down.

"I have been anticipating meeting you. I was away for some work when you started your degree. Well, you know that you are the only student who received full scholarship right?"

"Yes, sir I'm well aware of that fact. But I would like to correct you. I did not receive the scholarship, I won it."

"Of course, I know that. Our university does not give full scholarship to just anyone and that is why I called you. I wanted to see who's this brilliant student and also make you aware of some of our norms."

"As you already know the university of Jason is ranked 3rd in the UK. So it has its own standards. You might have achieved the scholarship but maintaining it is not so easy. There are total of 3 semesters in the first year and you must pass 2 of them otherwise your scholarship will be terminated."

I already knew it but hearing it out loud is horrifying. It means that If I fail in more than one semester I will have to leave because I can never afford it. He looks at me expecting me to say something but instead I nod and let him continue.

"Also, you must take part in at least a club and be active in it."

Oh GOD being active in a club needs time. Even if I give just 1 hour a day that means I will have to spend 365 days in a year plus interact with others.

"Sure, sir I'll keep that in mind. Anything else?"

He shuffles through the stack of documents on his desk and takes out a paper from it. "The form that you filled does not have your parents name. Please fill it now." He moves the form towards me along with a pen.

"I don't have parents. I am an orphan." Well, how do I tell him that my very own parents abandoned me. As I say this his face goes numb.

"I am sorry. I did not know."

"It's okay sir."

"That's it. You can leave then."

"Okay thank you."

After walking for three minutes, I realize I came the wrong way, so I turn back and start walking in the opposite direction when I see Zain standing near principal's office door.

Was he listening to our conversation?

"What are you doing here?"

"Um I.........." He hesitates.

"Were you eavesdropping?" Yes, he was. His face says it all.


Here we come to the end of the third chapter. I hope you like it.

What do you think, was Zain really eavesdropping? If yes, why? What will happen between these two if Zain knows her secret now? All these questions will be answered in the next chapter. So, make sure to check out when the next chapter gets uploaded:)

Please vote, like and comment. It would mean a lot to me.

The next chapter will be from Zain's pov. So, make sure to check it out.

Till then bye
Take care<3

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