Chapter 7(Zain)

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"What are you doing here?" A familiar voice asks. It's Zoye.

"Oh, hey what a coincidence. As you can see" pointing towards the laptop "I'm working. You work here?"

"Yeah. Anyway, here's your coffee. You want anything else."


"Okay then I'll go." I nod.

I came to work but instead I find myself looking in her direction. Her golden hair tied in a messy bun. She looks flawless.

Come back to work Zain. FOCUS. I take my eyes away from her to the laptop but somehow my eyes go back to her direction but she's not there anymore. She's standing near the window talking to a man. She's smiling but it looks forced. Her expression changes. She looks annoyed. She has her hand on the table, but I can't see what she's doing, the man's back is covering the view. She lifts the cup and before I could understand anything she threw the coffee on the man's face who was sitting there.

"You bitch! Are you insane?" The man shouts.

And before I could take a moment to think my legs were already on the floor ready to move.

"I'm a bitch? And what were you doing right now? Didn't you touch me without consent? You pervert."

Did he touch her? I'll kill this man. And before he could hit her I came between them grasping his hand away. I grab his collar and punch him straight into the face. Everyone in the café came to stop us but my fists were already ready to take another blow on him when she grabs my shirt from behind to stop me. Her voice made me stop and I quickly came back to my senses. I turned back to see her if she was okay. Even though she said she was okay it wasn't enough. I took a quick glance at her face to check if there were any bruises.

She took my hand and reassured me that she was not hurt. Her touch made me relaxed. My expressions calmed and I relaxed back giving a half smile.

I was waiting for her outside the café when I see her standing at the door looking at me. There's something in her eyes, something unfamiliar. I want to ask her what's going on in her mind instead I say "You are here. Let's go."

It's almost time for sunset. The breeze is cool and flock of birds are flying in the air returning back to their homes. When I look at her, she was already looking at me. I ask her why she keeps looking at me.

"Umm I just wanted to thank you for taking a stand for me."

"Not a big deal. It was his fault after all. If you wouldn't have stopped, I would've beaten the shit out of him."

"Did you get hurt anywhere?" she asked.

"Me? no. I'm strong, strong enough to protect you from everything." Even if I wasn't I will become strong to protect her from everything.

"Do you wanna see the sunset before going home?"

She nods hesitantly. I take her hand and run towards the beach.

We sat there in silence looking at the changing colors of the sky. As dusk approached, the sunset sank deeper into the horizon giving life to the dark. The sparkling water glowed in the reddish-yellow streaks of the sunset.

"The view is beautiful." She said looking at the sunset.

"It is indeed." I look at her instead of the view because the girl sitting beside me looked more beautiful than anything in the world. Her golden hairs glowed in the light and her blue eyes matched the color of the ocean in front of us.

Their first sunset together

Their first sunset together ♡

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"Help me na gadhe(donkey)." Ayan cries.

"First of all stop calling me gadde then I'll think of helping you."

Ayan starts laughing uncontrollably.

"Stop making noises. We are in the library."

"But I can't help it. Your accent oh my god. It's gadhe not gadde."

"Okay then go and search the book on your own."

"Arey mere bhai please help me find this book." he says pointing towards the phone screen where the name of the book is written. "Mehar asked me to bring it."

[hey, my brother please help me find this book]

We stroll around the library searching for the book. I take a book out of the shelf and match its title with the one in the phone "Here it is." He took the book from my hand and said something but I did not hear it because my focus was somewhere else. I move forward to the table near the glass window where the shelves end.

"Don't you have your shift at this time?" I asked Zoye sitting at the table with her laptop on.

She lifts her eyes up from the laptop looking at me about to say something when Ayan jumps in the conversation.

"Are you Zoye?"

She first looks at me and then him and answers "Umm yes."

"I knew it from the way he was looking at you." Oh God this guy doesn't have any filter. I hit him with my elbow trying to stop him.

"Stop hitting me."

I awkwardly smile trying to cover up the embarrassment that was appearing on my face.

"Let me introduce myself to you. I'm Ayan Siddiqui Zain's best friend. I'm in my 2nd year of interior designing course. Also, I'm Indian hence the handsome face. "Ayan blurts showing all his 32 teeth. Let me get out of here, I'll break all his 32 teeth.

She gets up from her seat and sheepishly smiles "I see. Nice to meet you."

And before he could say something more, I remind him "Aren't you going to be late? Mehar's waiting for the book."

"Shit I forgot."

I quickly push him taking him away from her before he embarrasses me more "Go quickly. I'll catch up later."

He tilts his head waving a goodbye in her direction "See you later."

I come back scrapping my head awkwardly smiling at her.

"He sometime gets a little carried away."

"Yeah, I can see."

"I'm surprised you were not rude."

She raises her eyebrow "I'm not always rude."

"Well, you were to me. Anyways what are you doing here?"

"Just catching up on some work."

"I can see that. I mean why didn't you go to work?"

She starts looking here and there avoiding my question. I bend and look straight in her eyes. "Did something happen?"

She moves her head away avoiding eye contact. "I got fired."

"Why? Because of yesterday?"

She nods.


Here we come to the end of the sixth chapter.This is the longest chapter I have written till now and I enjoyed writing each and every line so I hope you like it too:)
Also some Hindi phrases are used here and there in this chapter but I have mentioned it's translation in the brackets so I hope there won't be any problem.

Please vote, like and comment. It would mean a lot to me.

The next chapter will be from Zoye's pov. So, make sure to check it out.

Till then bye
Take care<3

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