My Dream is You

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Finished this too quickly--😭😭

Nooo this was so much fun to write I'm so sad

But! With another story finished, it just means another adventure is about to begin! 😭❤️


Without further delay, let's get to it, lovelies❤️❤️




Arianna and Frederic race through the castle hall, Arianna lifting her dress skirt a bit as her heels softly click beneath her. They run up the short set of steps leading to the balcony doors, both pausing side by side as they stand before them.

She looks to her husband with a hopeful expression, Frederic seeming more apprehensive as he looks down at her.


The doors slowly open, Faunus' hand tightening around (Y/N)'s nervously at the sound as they stand side by side on the balcony.

(Y/N) squeezes his hand reassuringly as they turn to face the king and queen, Arianna being the first to move. Arianna takes a few hesitant steps forward, the sunlight making her squint for a moment as her eyes remain glued on Faunus. (Y/N) gently releases Faunus' hand, Faunus moving a few steps forward before stopping.

He looks back to (Y/N), who smiles with encouragement as she nods.

Faunus turns back to Arianna, taking a deep breath to help calm himself as he bites his lip anxiously.

Arianna exhales through her mouth as she slowly walks down the steps towards Faunus, Frederic seeming hesitant as he remains on the top step while he stares at Faunus. Arianna walks up to Faunus in slow steps, looking over his face with awe.

She reaches up towards him, Faunus lowering a bit as she gently caresses the side of his face as she looks over it. Faunus had the same eye color as her, his nose shape the same as well.

Arianna's eyes shine with tears and recognition as she lets out a breathless laugh, a smile spreading on Faunus' face as he does the same. Arianna pulls Faunus into a hug, crying softly as Faunus' arms wrap around her, Faunus hugging her tightly as he also cries.

Faunus looks to Frederic, who was standing a few paces behind the embracing mother and son.

A choked laugh leaves him as he recognizes Faunus' eyes and face, making him step forward and wrap his arms around the two.

(Y/N) watches with a warm smile as the family embrace, all crying tears of joy as they lower to the floor while holding each other tightly. Arianna's eyes open as she looks up to (Y/N), holding her hand out to the girl.

(Y/N)'s face falls a bit before she smiles once more, bowing in respect as she takes Arianna's hand. She exclaims in surprise when Arianna tugs her into the embrace, (Y/N) blinking rapidly before beaming as her arms wrap around Faunus, Arianna's arm wrapping around her, along with Frederic's.


Well! After all that, you can bet there was a party!

The kingdom was alive with laughter and cheers, some applauding as a group of dancers dance to the lively music in the castle square.

The kingdom rejoiced, for their lost prince had finally returned.


A blue bird tweets softly as it flies near the castle, flying past Faunus' new bedroom, the small bird carving (Y/N) had made him sitting proudly on his vanity near the window.

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