Maybe it's fate, maybe it's the PR

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I made up the name of Charles' PR manager. Anyway, let's start, I personally think it's my fav chapter so far.

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"Let me talk to you," his voice pleaded, a hint of desperation lacing his words.

"Charles, no," [Y/n] refused, a quiver in her voice. "I shouldn't have even come here today." It was a truth that weighed heavily upon her.

"Why not?" He let go of her hand, realizing how inappropriate it could be. He expected a different reaction from her.

"Because of-" she paused, trying to find the right words, but didn't manage to, "of all this!" She said, gesturing chaotically between herself and Charles.

"What do you mean, [Y/n]? We haven't seen each other in years, it's incredible to see you."

The man clearly didn't see the situation in the same light the girl did. His mind couldn't comprehend what could be the possible issue. And in [Y/n]'s mind he was the issue.

[Y/n] sighed, hoping it would calm herself a bit, but it didn't help. "Exactly, we haven't seen each other in years, Charles! Don't you think it's a bit awkward?"

"It can only be awkward if you make it awkward."

[Y/n] fell silent, because he was right and she was on the right track to make it awkward.

She didn't know why exactly she acted like this. Her main reason was that she didn't want to get involved with him again. She couldn't endure losing him once more.

And being realistic, she foresaw it happening again. It happened when they were kids, why wouldn't it happen now? They both had heavier responsibilities now. [Y/n] resided in New York most of the year, and Charles was in a different country every few days.

If she let herself get involved with him, it would end up being even more hurtful.

"It can only be awkward, if you let it happen." The girl stated. "If nothing happens, there's nothing to be awkward."

Pushing him away seemed like the best thing to do, the safest choice. [Y/n] wanted to protect her peace.

"Damn it, [Y/n], I've missed you so much!" His voice rose in frustration. "And you're acting like this. Aren't you even a little bit happy?"

She wasn't happy because she saw Charles, it was actually a very stressful experience for her. She felt joy when she daydreamed the scenarios that could happen if she let herself reconnect with Charles.

"Happy?" She echoed his word. "You practically ghosted me, don't you dare saying you missed me!"

"It was my mistake. I stopped texting or calling, because it seemed to annoy you. You always found excuses to hung up."

"It was annoying when all you talked about were your races!"

That was a thing only a bad friend would say, a selfish one, and that was how [Y/n] felt in that moment. She felt immediate guilt when these words left her mouth.

She was so sure Charles would argue with her, the conversation would develop into a childish banter and they would argue over who was the worse friend.

"I realized that a long time ago," he admitted contrary to [Y/n]'s expectations, "but I was too scared to contact you out of nowhere. After such a long time, too."

They both lapsed into a heavy silence. Not the kind that brings comfort, especially in this place. It wasn't the suitable setting for such a personal conversation.

But Charles didn't care. He disregarded the potential onlookers or listeners. It wasn't his concern..

"[Y/n]," he continued, "I believe it wasn't a coincidence that you're here today."

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