Leclarifying on a rainy day

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Carlos promised not to tell anybody the details of [Y/n] and Charles' little crisis. Regardless, the rumour about their potential breakup was out in the world. All the drivers knew what it's like to have rumours spread about you, your private life, they knew how annoying it was. But they knew things between [Y/n] and Charles must've been good since him and Carlos came back in the girl's car.

Of course, boys will be boys, so the guys had to take a look at [Y/n]'s car. With childish excitement a few guys from the grid gathered around the vehicle. They examined the car with genuine curiosity.

"Charles, mate, stepping up your game, I see. Can't let your girl drive anything less than a Mercedes, huh?" George teased as he joined the circle.

Charles laughed. "It's all her doing. I'm just lucky enough to borrow it."

"You didn't mention [Y/n] drives a car like this." Lando said, giving Charles a playful nudge. "It's a really nice ride, innit?"

"Well, it's not a Ferrari, but it's still good."

Yuki ran his hand over the smooth surface. "It's not as fast, is it?"

"Top speed around 220 kilometers per hour."

"And we made sure to test it out on the way here." Carlos added. "Don't tell [Y/n] I've told you that."

"So, things with [Y/n] are all good?" Pierre asked, remembering how worried Charles was a few days ago when the girl wasn't texting him back.

"All good, she didn't text back because she was on the plane to New York."

"Talking of New York, mate, why did you go there so suddenly?" Lando asked, ignoring a cautionary nudge from Carlos. "I mean, we were kind of worried to find out you and Carlos disappeared and we didn't even know where to."

Carlos looked at Lando, internally cursing him for asking this question. Of course, the Brit didn't mean to out a situation he was himself unaware of, but it forced Charles to quickly make up an explanation on spot.

"Ah, you know, I really needed to see my girl, if you know what I mean." Charles made an innudendo, which wasn't that big of a lie.

Of course, his half-joke made all the other guys laugh. Boys will be boys.

"Which part of this," Carlos whispered to Lando, now exaggerating the gesture he made earlier, "don't you understand?"

Lando, realizing he might have stumbled upon a topic better left untouched, tried to save it. "Alright, Charles, we get it. No need to elaborate further. Keep the details to yourself."

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The journey back to New York was different. This time, Charles was alone with his thoughts. He didn't even put on any music. Not like the thoughts he had were bad. They were quite the opposite.

When he finally reached [Y/n]'s apartment, it was night. He parked the Mercedes and took a moment to collect himself, then walked into the apartment building. When he knocked on [Y/n]'s door, she opened almost immediately. The faint aroma of something delicious lingered in the air, indicating that [Y/n] had been busy in the kitchen.

"How was the ride? Everything okay?" The girl asked.

"No, I didn't scratch your car and yes, I parked it just perfectly." Charles laughed. "Where can I put my suitcase?"

[Y/n] chuckled, giving Charles an amused look. "Good to know you've mastered the art of parking. Just leave your suitcase by the couch and come to the kitchen. I know it's late, but I made dinner. And cupcakes for desert, hence this amazing smell."

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