The diamonds and the damage

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Skylar's last name is basic (as if her first name wasn't lol), but I was playing The Sims 2 before writing this so excuse me for taking some inspo.
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[Y/n]'s brain was a mess. She hated Charles, but she had feelings for him. She hated what she found out, but Skylar was right - she could misinterpret it. [Y/n] couldn't stay in a relationship, which could be fake, with someone she wasn't able to trust anymore. Even if he said he loved her. [Y/n] thought about it almost all the time since she ended the call. Charles said he loved her for the first time, it must have meant something for him. Maybe [Y/n] was wrong. After all, why would he call her just to hear her voice and say 'I love you', on limited time. He could have just texted her back and let her know he'll be busy.

Everything after the call was a blur for [Y/n]. One moment she was talking to Skylar, and a moment later she was landing in New York City. The place that once felt like home now seemed overwhelming. Her small apartment welcomed her with familiar sights, which made her feel a bit better. She looked out of the window, but the lively city was overshadowed by her internal struggle.

With a sigh, she made up her mind. She had feelings for Charles, but she couldn't trust him anymore. From the beginning she knew this was going to end badly, so she had to end it now, for the best of both of them. She waited until the race. Charles finished on the 4th place.

"Congratulations, it was a good race." [Y/n] said during their phone call.

"Good?" Charles didn't sound satisfied with his result. "Would've been better if you were here. My lucky charm. After the break you're going with me to Austria. And during the break now, I was thinking we could-"

[Y/n] stopped him, because she was afraid if he keeps talking, she once again won't say the important thing. And now there was no going back, she was already in New York. "Charles, I'm not going to Austria with you. I'm not going anywhere with you."

Charles was already upset with his result during the race and [Y/n] knew now she was only adding to the pain. But she couldn't postpone it forever, it's already been too long anyway.

The man fell silent on the other end of the line. He has just gotten back to the hotel, for now he was alone in the room. "What do you mean?" He finally managed to say, his voice tinted with confusion.

"I mean, we need to talk, and we need to talk now." With her tone [Y/n] tried to mark the importance of it. "I've been waiting too long, but I didn't want to worry you before the race. Now you'll have two weeks to forget me."

"Forget you? What are you talking about, chérie?" He was in so much shock and confusion, he had to sit down. For a moment he hoped he misheard her, she couldn't be serious. 

"About us, Charles. About what I found out. About trust that had been broken."

Now he interrupted her. "I don't understand. Can't we discuss this when I'm back?"

"We can't, because I'm not in France anymore."

"Alright, are you at your parents' house? I can be there tomorrow if I get on a plane today."

Carlos walked into the room, but hearing the conversation his teammate was having, he considered leaving him alone. He needed a shower anyway, so he walked towards the bathroom.

"No, Charles, I'm not there. It's over, we are over."  [Y/n] declared, her voice breaking slightly. "I loved spending time with you, I loved the trip to Spain, but I can't continue this relationship."

Charles' eyes started to become watery. [Y/n] was breaking up with him for a reason unknown to him, right after he (re-)introduced her to his family. He didn't understand what he had done to make [Y/n] do this.

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