Two wrongs make a right

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What have I done at the end of this chapter, I can't even-
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Carlos woke up when the train was about to reach their destination. He looked at his phone which was put on the vibrate mode. Countless notifications about calls from Skylar appeared on the screen. Maybe normally he would feel the vibrations, but not this time.

He nudged his teammate, causing him to open his eyes. Charles blinked, momentarily disoriented, before the memories of the journey flooded back.

"Hmm? What is it?" Charles mumbled, rubbing his eyes.

"We're about to reach New York. Skylar was calling. A lot."

Charles groaned, realizing the urgency. "Why aren't you calling her back yet then?"

"I've just woken up!"

Charles snatched the phone out of Carlos' hands and entered the conversation with Skylar. Before calling her, he noticed a few texts she left. She was talking about [Y/n] being drunk and with some other guy. 

"Jesus Christ, finally!" The girl exclaimed, picking up Charles' call. "What the hell have you been so busy with?!"

 "We fell asleep on the train," Charles explain, putting Skylar on speaker, "but what did you mean? [Y/n] was with some other guy?"

"Yeah and she said she'd send me his address, but she never did. And the call ended suddenly, I'm really worried, I've been trying to contact her, but she never picked up."

Charles felt a sting in his chest. [Y/n] was with another guy, that was one thing, but he could have done anything to her and nobody knew. He could have hurt her.

"Did she ever mention his name or anything?" Carlos asked.

"No, she didn't. Only told me that he looked like Charles and they were headed to his place. But I don't have his address, as I already said."

Charles exchanged a worried glance with Carlos and took a deep breath. [Y/n]'s life could have been in danger and he felt guilty. If it wasn't for this whole PR drama thing, they wouldn't have broken up.

"Keep trying to contact her," Charles ordered, "we've just arrived in New York."

"I'll keep calling her, but you should head to her address."

"What? No, she could be anywhere! Anywhere but her own place and you're telling us to go there?"

"Charles, I have a feeling. Besides, you don't know the city. It's huge, what would you do? Drive around in a taxi, stopping every time you see a woman her age with [y/h/c] hair? Trust me."

Charles hesitated, but then decided to agree. After all, Skylar knew [Y/n] better than he did.

The train stopped and the two men gathered their belongings and left the train in a rush, making their way through the crowd. Charles was sure he could've accidentally knock some man over, but it didn't matter to him. All that mattered in that moment was [Y/n].

The main concern of his now was for her to be found. Hopefully, she was going to be home already, but if not he was going to wait for any information from Skylar. 

Who was he trying to lie to? Himself, probably. [Y/n] went out. Met a stranger. Told Skylar she was on the way to his place and haven't picked up her phone ever since. The more Charles thought about it, the more it hurt him. 

[Y/n] broke up with him, she was free to do whatever and whoever she wanted to, but it still felt weird to him. It wasn't even one day since their breakup, and she was already in another man's bed. Did she really not care at all if she got over Charles so quickly?

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