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I'm thinking of changing the cover of this fic, because I'm gonna totally change my username (so I can post it on Tumblr too), so maybe by the way I'll also change the title cus it seems so 'basic' like oh I heard a song and took a quote out of it

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Finally came the moment when [Y/n] and Charles met. He was waiting for her in the café. The same place they met at by an accident the day before.

The rendezvous didn't have the label of a date, but to Charles it was even more important than a date. He checked the time on his phone, tapping his foot anxiously against the floor, hoping she will show up.

She walked in right on time, looking more beautiful than ever.

As the girl walked in, she greeted both Charles and the cashier/barista/owner with a big smile. [Y/n] had a positive feeling about this day.

"I've ordered a macchiato for you, I hope you don't mind." Charles said and then added before the girl opened her mouth again, "it's on me, don't even bother asking how much it was."

"Thank you," a blush creeped onto [Y/n]'s cheeks, "that's so kind of you, Charlie."

She hadn't called him that name in years and the way she said it now, made him feel a pleasant tingle inside.

Charles cleared his throat, "so uhh... how was your sleep?"

Honestly, there wasn't any sleep. The girl's mind was way too occupied with the thoughts of meeting Charles.

"It was decent, my friend's couch is surprisingly comfortable."

A moment later, when the coffe was ready, they took the cups and sat down by a table.

"So you're staying at your friend's place?" Charles asked. "Her name is Skylar, right?"

"I didn't expect you to remember," [Y/n] giggled, "I came back a few days ago, she picked me up from the airport and offered to host me for a few days."

Charles gave a small nod, sipping his coffee before he asked, "Where have you been? Do you still live in Italy?"

"No, no," [Y/n] shook her head, "I actually study in New York."

Their conversation flowed naturally, the initial awkwardness slowly disappeared with each passing minute. Charles was very interested in everything that happened in [Y/n]'s life in the past few years.

"But that's enough about me," the girl smiled, wanting to change the topic, "I've heard you've been quite successful in your career. How's that been?"

"It's a wild ride," Charles chuckled, "but I love it, even the bad moments. It all made me into who I am today."

"Now you make me feel bad for saying it annoyed me when all you talked about was racing..."

"Ah, it's fine, [Y/n]," Charles reassured her with a playful smirk. "I didn't notice back then. Probably was too caught up in my world."

Their conversation drifted effortlessly from one topic to another, the cafe's ambiance creating a sense of intimacy. The two friends started talking about memories from the past, smiling at all the things they went through.

As much as memories of the past were being embraced, a new chapter was being painted in front of them.

Suddenly, Charles received a message on his phone. He ignored it, focusing on the conversation with the person in front of him. But then the phone started beeping like crazy, making it impossible to hold the conversation.

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