Forgiven mistakes

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Carlos sat on the stairs right outside [Y/n]'s apartment, contemplating the situation. He didn't mean to eavesdrop, but the walls weren't thick. Willingly or not, he heard the conversation. He heard even more, what he didn't necessarily want to hear. His intention was to support Charles, to help him fix things with [Y/n], but now he found himself in the awkward position of witnessing this.

He couldn't ignore the obvious chemistry between Charles and [Y/n]. Their connection seemed to defy the logic of a recent breakup and it left Carlos questioning the nature of their relationship.

Suddenly, he heart footsteps approaching the door. Someone was about to exit [Y/n]'s appartment. For a second Carlos panicked internally, trying to think of what to say or how to act. [Y/n] lived there for long enough to know how thin the walls were. Was Carlos supposed to pretend he didn't hear anything?

The door swung open abruptly, breaking Carlos from his thoughts. [Y/n] stood there, her disheveled appearance and flushed cheeks betraying the intensity of the moment inside.

[Y/n] offered a small, awkward smile. "Hey, Carlos."

Carlos stood up and as he looked at her, he noticed the marks in all shades of red on her neck. There was no point in pretending he didn't know what they were doing. 

"Hey," he replied. "How... how did it go in there?"

"Uh..." the girl hesitated awkwardly. Now, with a clear mind, she felt embarrassed about what Charles had created on her neck. If her parents saw it, their sympathy for Charles would have immediately ended. "Not too bad? We apologized and... yeah. Charlie is taking a shower right now."

"Does that mean you're back together?"

"Would you like to come in?" [Y/n] asked, avoiding the question she had been asked due to not knowing the answer.

"Yeah, sure," Carlos replied, following [Y/n] inside.

The atmosphere inside was still tense. Maybe even more after what had just happened. Carlos took a discreet glance around the apartment, trying not to make [Y/n] feel like he's invading her personal space.

"You've got a nice place." He remarked, taking a seat on the sofa.

"I suppose," [Y/n] shrugged, "at least it's close to uni, that's what I was opting for when looking for a place."

"Do you also work or...?"

"My parents pay for it. I put all my focus on the studies."

"Journalism, right?" 

[Y/n] nodded without saying anything.

"Mhm," Carlos acknowledged, "when's the next semester starting?"

"Beginning of September."

Carlos and [Y/n] engaged in small talk, a temporary break from the emotional intensity that lingered in the air. He could still sense uncertainty beneath the surface, no matter how composed [Y/n] tried to stay.

"Thanks for being here, Carlos," [Y/n] said, breaking the silence. "I appreciate your support, even if things are a bit... complicated."

Carlos smiled. "Of course, [Y/n]. I hope it works out for both of you."

"Me too," the girl admitted.

The sound of a door opening interrupted their conversation. Charles emerged from the bathroom, a towel tied around his waist, his hair wet from the shower. This view reminded [Y/n] about the evening after the race in Spain, when they'd done it for the first time.

We never go out of style | Charles Leclerc x readerΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα