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Shrishti POV

We came out of the restaurant and moved to the parking lot with our breakfast. Not knowing where he was going I decided to separate our breakfast and give him his share.

Separating our breakfast I called him.

"Mr. Romano, your breakfast"
"Mrs. Romano, Where are you headed to ?"

Both of us spoke at the same time. Forwarding my hand towards him to take the breakfast I spoke " To the Lu Buffet"

Instead of taking the breakfast he moved towards his car and spoke in his deep voice," Get inside I am headed towards the same."

It took me off gaurd causing me to stand thier with a dumbfound face. Not hearing my response or I guess sensing me not following him he looked towards me and as if broken from a trance I hurried towards him.

As we neard towards his car he did something I didn't expected him from that was as an gentleman he ooed the door for passanger seat. Sitting inside while muttering a small thank you towards him. He to moved towards his side and sat inside and took control of the wheel. Four more cars ignited along with ours and two moved in front following ours and two behind ours.

It was not that I wasn't aware who he was or what he did for living. Being the heir and also the one controlling the Italian Mafia it was pretty sure that he was a tough guy who didn't showed emotion. Stepping up in place of my cousin sister was not something.I had planned for being here the only and sole reason was for the medical confrence I was attending today. If the confrence went well and I was able to put forth my point making the jury understand the importance of topic I had brought representating my country than it would be a drastic change that will come in the medical system. That's right apart from being the Princess of Rajasthan I was a well renowned doctor of my field. The sole reason for stepping up in this fiasco was to save the reputation of the three families that were put at stake due to that sister of mine.

I was pulled out of my thoughts from a throat clearing sound noticing it was my husband I looked towards him. Having my attention towards him and noticing the same he spoke," We both need to talk and as we would be getting busy with our work it would be good if we could talk through some stuff since we haven't gotten a chance to speak."

Registering his words I nodded towards him indicating him to speak further at the same time my eyes noticed the breakfast and reminded me about my empty stomach. Reaching my hands towards it and opening the container, finding some wrapped sandwichs I opened one and looked towards him.

He spoke,"Well we Romano have a one marriage rule with no divorce system and I hope that we can follow that only if u think about it and giving us a chance. The circumstances that we got married were not he best but since it's done then we can't denied it. To add up my life and world is not all sunshine and fairytale as it's dark, filled with blood and enemies."

Hearing him it was clear that if I agreed to give us a chance then their was no going back. But before answering that I offered him the sandwich as we were had stopped at the red light. Noticing my hand and the sandwich near his mouth he looked at me for a moment before eating it. If it would be any normal couple then this would have been romantic but we both knew it wasn't. As he ate it I spoke before taking a bit myself unconsciously from the same place where he took the bite.

"Well we Rajvanshi have a no divorce policy as well but as you said the circumstances that we married weren't the best I think we should go for a trial period and learning about eachother. And as you said about you world it's understandable as being a princess can not always have the sunshine and butterflies that are portrayed towards the world. I too have a baggage of mine and hearing to its seems you have yours as well. We both agreed upon this to save the reputation of our families and since we are tied in the knot we can atleast give it a try. If at the end we still find ourselves at the fork of road with our individual selves not blending together to share a life together we can drift apart and I think our families will understand the same. So in simple words I would like to say is that I would like to giye us a chance and see where this takes us. "

Ending my words and having the sandwich I looked in his direction seeing him give a nod. It was clear that he was not a person to speak much and was cold in nature. Even though he was trying to be as gentle as possible towards me but their was that slight coldness of his that was dripping here and there.

After that none of us share a word and had our breakfast silently with me feeding him while having mine at the same time and he drove us to our destination.

Reaching the hotel we both drifted in our separate ways to get done with our work with a silent agreement of meeting at the same spot when we were done.

Here's the next chapter.

Do like and comment on Shrishti's thoughts.

Would try to update the next one soon.

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