Chapter 1

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There's nothing better than coming home to the smell of Bacon.

I walk inside my family home and march with some pep in my step straight to the kitchen. Mom sways to Frank Sinatra as she turns over strips of bacon in the cast iron skillet.

My stomach growls as I eye the already growing pile of cooked bacon on a plate beside my mother.

As I attempt to inch my way closer, only a foot away from the mouth watering pile of cooked heaven, mother without even looking at me... "You know the deal Flora-Bee"

"Damn it..." I mumble and turn around in defeat to a barstool to wait.

Ever since mom began craving certain foods, bacon has been her favorite snack day or night. And I for one, am not complaining, it's been a favorite food of mine since I first learned how to count my fingers.

My loving mother always cooks extra bacon strips and saves them for me if I'm away at work. But the deal that was made, is neither one of us can take the first bite until she's completely done cooking all the bacon strips. A painful wait if you ask me.

"How was work? Anything new from Alpha Kent?" ... mother asks casually.

"Nothing new today mother, just the same hectic planning for the Mating Fair Event"

"I can't believe that's next month already, I'm so proud of you baby"... Mom looks over her shoulder at me with nothing but love in her eyes.

"Mommmmm, stop that.... Thank you though. I'm certainly giving this my all, I don't want to disappoint Alpha Kent, or any of the Alpha's for that matter... oh god and then there's the Lycan King..." I rub my face in an attempt to rub away the stress and pressure I'm under.

Mother just chuckles... "You were born to lead, I've always known that since you were little, and as the unofficial acting Luna of our pack, you could never disappoint any of us Flora-Bee"

I just smile at her wishing I felt as confident as she did.

I am the Unofficial but acting Luna of our pack. Some pack members address me by my name, but most call me Luna at this point. I've taken over these duties for nearly four years now. Can't believe it's been that long already, feels like yesterday I held Carrie sobbing in front of her father, Alpha Kent accepting her unofficial duties as my own.

"What's for dinner.. Besides bacon?"... Father speaks, scaring the bejesus out of mom and I.

"Ohhhh Rick don't do that!"

"Yeah, what she said!" I huff

My dad laughs and doesn't even bother trying to hide his grin. We know he secretly enjoys being able to sneak up on us, it's a skill of his, unfortunately for us he uses it often.

Dad wraps his arms around mother softly rubbing her growing belly as he pepper kisses her cheek. Mom giggles like a teen girl in love. They truly look adorable together, happy and in love as Mates should.

I eye the bacon again and groan low. I'm starving....I skipped lunch again in order to rearrange the living areas for our soon to be guests and I certainly regret it right about now.

"Mom..." I make my best puppy dog, pull on every heart string I can kind of face as mom looks over at me.

"Oh by the moon goddess, go ahead".. She laughs as she leans into dads embrace.


I grab a handful and bolt across the living room right up the stairs and make it to my bedroom as I hear mom shouting after me for taking so much, dads laughter lets me know I'm not really in any trouble.


I feel better after a shower and having dinner that dad made. I truly wish I had the basic skills to cook. I love to eat, but cooking.... Not my thing. I find it to be a chore, I can't find any enjoyment in it like most people do.

Also might be another reason at 21, I still live with my parents. However it's not unusual to stay in your family home till you find your mate.

My phone buzzes on the nightstand and I silently pray it's not from Carrie about work. Love my girl Carrie, she's one of my best friends and ever since I took over Luna duties she's my assistant, but I am exhausted and don't feel like answering any questions that are work related.

As I look at who texted me it's Damien, Relief washes over me, a childhood friend, Beta John's son and one of our top Border Patrol warriors in the pack.

I know you are awake, you always are.. I'm bored, border patrol is quiet tonight

I huff at his text.. I'm not always awake...

That's a good thing Damien.. And I'll have you know I'm ready for my beauty sleep now, tell the trees I said hi

I chuckle at the little inside joke... I can just picture Damien rolling his eyes purely annoyed, he hates it when I mention him talking to trees. I caught him when we were in 5th grade talking to the trees. He was practicing a love speech to the tree's meant for his crush at the time. I swore I'd never let him forget that moment and I've certainly kept my word.

I wholeheartedly hope you stub your toe tomorrow morning

I have to bury my face into my pillow in any attempt to hush my howling laughter.

Don't you put that evil on me!! Stay safe out there, I expect to see you tomorrow for our weekly friend-luncheons. Carrie, Shelby and Sean already confirmed!

I honestly wish I could skip out this week but I skipped out last week, so I have to go tomorrow. Or my friends would all gather at my office and kidnap me.

I'll be there Flora, sweet dreams Bee.

I smile at his text, he's... well, Damien is my friend, but he's certainly my hot friend.

I'd be lying if I didn't say I find him attractive. He certainly has every she-wolf drooling after him with those ocean blue eyes, chiseled jaw and perfect smile. Though a big part of me is scared to cross over that friendship line with him, everything would be ruined between us. And I don't think I could handle not having Damien a part of my daily life.

Besides, I made a promise to myself since I was little that I'd save my body and my heart for my Mate. Just like my mom did for dad. I know my mate is out there somewhere, I believe that. I just pray the Moon goddess doesn't make us wait forever to finally meet each other.

I make sure to set my alarm before slipping my eye mask over my eyes. Something about total darkness just soothes me to sleep, along with my ceiling fan on high.

Dear moon goddess, be kind to me tonight, no nightmares, please.

 Dear moon goddess, be kind to me tonight, no nightmares, please

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

(How I picture our girl Flora)

The Ember In The Fogحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن