Chapter 2

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*** Carrie, Sean & Shelby aesthetic, Damien's will be posted on another chapter, so keep reading to see his ;)***I'm running two steps at a time down the stairs of Alpha Kent's office building with an out of breath Carrie behind me

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*** Carrie, Sean & Shelby aesthetic, Damien's will be posted on another chapter, so keep reading to see his ;)***

I'm running two steps at a time down the stairs of Alpha Kent's office building with an out of breath Carrie behind me.

"We... are.. So late... slow down.. Jeez".. Carrie huffs behind me as we make it to the parking lot.

I groan... Damien and the twins, Shelby and Sean have been blowing up my phone for the past 30 minutes.. I got side tracked with work, like always. Carrie kept bugging me to stop but as per usual my normal response is always... "Just five more minutes"... which turned into 45 minutes.

I can just picture Shelby's tantrum already as I haul ass in my honda civic, down the dirt roads to the main road that takes us to our favorite spot, Olivia's Diner.

I spot Damiens black sports motorcycle, and Sean's lifted dark green truck parked out front of the diner.

Carrie rambled the whole way here but I zoned her out completely, sometimes I just have too. I love her, but damn she can talk forever.

"You know they will be mad, we are over an hour late.." Carrie says as she opens her door.

"Yeah.. I know".. I mumble.

The moment we enter the diner, Shelby starts being her dramatic self.

Oh here we go... my wolf Anaka retorts through our link.

"Seriously, are we just on the back burner Miss Luna, we don't make the cut of most important in your life anymore?!" ... She flips her blonde hair over her shoulder in exaggeration.

Before I can utter a word Damien throws a french fry right at Shelby, hitting her directly in the  center of her forehead.

Her gasp is so loud several people look over to our table.

"Chill Shelby, Flora actually has a JOB that affects all our lives here"

Shelby scowls at Damien while Sean chuckles with a mouth full of food.

I smile appreciatively at Damien for the save. He simply winks at me and carries on eating his burger and fries. I sit beside Damien while Carrie sits to my right.

"OK I get it, you are acting Luna, and I KNOW you are planning the mating fair event blah blah blah, but damn Florence, we miss you."

I sigh out loud... I hate it when my friends use my given name, I feel like I'm five years old again being scolded for doing something wrong.  Shelby means well though, so I don't hold her tantrum against her.

"I'm really sorry you guys. You know I love you all, I'm just so focused on this event. I don't want to disappoint Alpha Kent, or any of the alphas for that matter. And more importantly the Lycan King. It's a huge deal you guys and my name will be all over this. So if I don't do well, every pack will learn of it, My life is at stake here you guys!"

Damien rolls his eyes and bumps his elbow into mine, softly.

"Listen worry wart, you are damn good at planning events or anything in general. You got this. The Alpha's and Lycan King will be pleased with your hard work"

"He's right Flora".. Sean pipes in.

Carrie shakes her head yes while Shelby smiles in response.

"You guysssss, I love you all so much!"

Shelby basically throws the menu at Carrie and I.. "Now order so I can order, I'm fucking starving"

"Shelby you didn't have to wa-"... Shelby interrupts me.

"You know how I am, I eat when you girls eat, unlike these gremlins here" Shelby scowls at the boys.


I basically inhale my jalapeno burger with fries and slurp my strawberry shake till it gives me a brain freeze.

"So are you guys ready to encounter your first Lycan up close?" Damien says to us all.

Damien's the only one who's been to the mating fair five years ago when he was 17, he had just received his wolf Indigo a few months prior. But unfortunately did not find his mate that year.

Sean just shrugs his shoulders with no care in the world. Carrie pipes in quietly... "I'm nervous about the Lycan's, Dad tells me they are dangerous and nothing like us werewolves"

"As much as I agree with that, I hear Lycans are massive in every way possible".. Shelby says with no shame.

I roll my eyes at her horny self. "I'm sure you will have no problem convincing one to sleep with you Shelby, if that's what you want"

"Gross".. Sean makes a face at his twin sister in disgust.

Shelby just shrugs her shoulders with a smile and drinks her sweet tea.

"And you?" Damien looks directly at me.

I'm a bit confused not truly understanding the question.

"What about me?"

"How do you feel about meeting the Lycans?.. I'm sure you will be the only one of us who gets to meet the Lycan King since you are the acting Luna of our pack"

Shit. It didn't cross my mind that I'd have to personally meet the Lycan King. But of course that only makes sense, as acting Luna I would have to welcome him here with Alpha Kent.

"Well, I'd be lying if I said I wasn't nervous, I've heard my fair share of horror stories about the ancient Lycan King or Lycans in general. The werewolf Alpha's I can handle."

Damien hums in response.

"I heard the Lycan King is brutal and just looking at him wrong could get you killed"  Sean says.

Shelby, Carrie and Myself freeze in place for a moment.

"Shut the fuck up, don't scare them dick".. Damien half laughs but sounds half serious.

Sean shrugs "Just what I heard"

I look to Damien to see if he could give me any reassurance that Sean is just being dramatic. But by Damien's stiff shoulders and the fact he refuses to look at me. My belly sinks to the floor in fear.

The Lycan King could kill any Alpha, Luna or acting Luna with no explanation needed. He's the most powerful being created from the Moon goddess. Almost 800 years old, I wasn't kidding when I said he's Ancient. He was born in the dark ages, the worst time in history to ever be alive.

"Will you be okay Flora?"... Carrie squeaks in fear.

All eyes are on me... including the very nosy pack members sitting near us.

"Yeah, of course. I'm sure everything will be just fine."

Inside I picture myself hiding under a blanket from monsters. However on the outside, I like to live by... fake it till you make it. SO, obviously my stubborn self won't ever admit I'm scared to death to meet the Lycan King.

Buzz Buzz Buzz

"Seriously, who's phone is that?" Shelby asks out loud, except she's looking directly at me like she already knows it's my phone.

I look into my purse and of course it's my phone. However, once I see it's dad I answer immediately.

"Hey Dad, everything okay?" I say quickly, I know mom could have the baby anytime soon now.

All my friends go silent.

"Florence, I need you at the hospital. Your mom fell down the stairs"...

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