Chapter 3

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My hands have not been able to stop shaking since that phone call.

Before I could even hang up the phone properly Damien had me by the elbow, carefully dragging me out of the diner. Thank the moon goddess for Werewolf hearing because my ability to speak was not happening.

I barely hear the exchange between Sean and Damien but from what I gathered they will meet us there, and Carrie would hold onto my belongings.

I felt hugs and quick kisses to my cheek but I could not for the life of me register who did what. My mind was a fog, sounds were selective at this point. And vision was becoming more blurry as the seconds continued to pass.

Thankfully, Damien took over completely because I could not seem to function. Damien placed his black motorcycle helmet on my head carefully, making sure it was strapped on tight. Once he was on the bike, he turned his upper body slightly with his hand out stretched to help me get behind him.

"Hold me tight Bee"

My hands and arms tighten around his hard, muscled torso, clearly a product from years of warrior training.

The roaring from the sports bike I barely heard, but the vibration's confirmed we would be moving soon.

I feel his fingers softly caress my hand before giving it a slight squeeze. I can't help but to hold him a little tighter, hoping my sanity stays intact as I squeeze.

A blur of trees and occasional dirt roads skim through my view. The hot tears fall one by one, each drop reminding me of my reality.


I practically flew off Damien's bike ignoring his shouts after me. I couldn't tell you what he was even yelling about.

As I storm through the hospital doors straight towards the front desk, the clerk is startled the moment she sees me.

"Lisa Bellwood, what floor and room." I almost growl.

"Ma'am I must ask you to please take off your helmet first" as she points to the camera behind her in the upper corner.

Oh for heavens sake.

Before my own hands can reach for the helmet a strong hand grabs onto my right shoulder turning me slightly.

"If you had just waited 2 seconds I would have taken this off of you Flora" Damien huffs.

Once Damien removes the helmet and the clerk sees my face she bows her head.

"Luna forgive me, 2nd floor room 206."

"Thank you" I mumble as I go directly to the closest elevator and press the up button.

I tap my foot impatiently as I wait... Damien's hand gently rubs my back, I'm assuming in order to comfort me.

My eyes find a red sign that says stairs. I look back to the elevator and it still hasn't opened.

"Oh fuck this"

I practically sprint towards the door, I hear Damien right behind me. Thankfully he makes no comment about my lack of patience.

Finding the room was easy but finding my 18 year old brother alone, and a hospital bed clearly missing... no mom... no dad in sight. Fear set in, hard.


Ethan's eye are bloodshot, he's been crying.

"Florence... mom... she..."

No... no no no. I don't even give him the opportunity to finish his sentence. Afraid to hear the rest of what he was going to say.

I run over to my brother wrapping my arms around him, we hold onto one another in tears.

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