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Queen Aemma's second pregnancy was just as difficult as all the other ones, and while she wished for a healthy babe, King Viserys was hopeful that he would finally have the son he had longed for. A week before Aemma began her labors, King Viserys had a dream, in this dream he saw a woman on the throne wearing the warrior conqueror Queen Visenya's crown and a Valyrian steel sword around her waist. Initially he thought the dream was about his daughter, Rhaenyra, but this woman didn't resemble his nine year old daughter. They were similar, with obvious Targaryen features, but this woman had vivid purple eyes, while Rhaenyra had muddled blue eyes.

King Viserys was sure that this babe was going to be a girl after that, but he saw her on the throne carrying on his legacy. He wasn't sure how he felt at first, he thought he would be disappointed, but he found himself surprised that he wasn't, instead he was surprised that he was excited. He looked forward to watching her grow into the fierce woman he envisioned. The week leading up to Queen Aemma's labor the King was happy, happier than most of his court had seen of him in a while.

The court assumed he was excited at the prospect of having a son, only the King, the Queen, and his loyal Lord Hand knew of his dream. His hand, Otto, was skeptical, while he definitely didn't want Daemon on the throne, he doubted a girl would be the better option, and a second daughter at that. The King was much more attentive to his wife during the final week of her pregnancy, and the Queen benefited from it. When Viserys told Aemma of his dream, she was relieved he seemed happy with his dream. The burden of failing to give him a son, a successor, weighed heavily on her.

When Aemma began her labors, Viserys was at her bedside, much to the dismay of the maesters, but he was determined to be there when his daughter and future queen was born. There was a storm that struck Kings Landing the hour her labors began, thunder and lightning accompanied the Queen's screams. When their daughter was finally brought forth into this world, lightning illuminated the dark room, and as the cries of the babe filled the room, the storm dispersed. Upon first glance at their daughter, all Aemma could see was her mother, while Viserys saw the future of House Targaryen.

Targaryen tradition calls for a dragon egg to be placed in the cradle with the babe, Daella was no exception to this custom. The King himself hand picked the egg for her cradle, it was a large black egg that reminded him of his own dragon, Balerion 'The Black Dread.' The egg hatched three small dragons, they were so small that the dragon keepers didn't think they would survive, but luckily they did. Daella was dubbed the 'Queen of Dragons' by the small folk, everyone was confused to learn she had three dragons born to her from one egg. Daella had a strong bond with all three dragons born to her.

Vhagon, Baelon, and Whitefyre were named by princess Daella after she started dragon training. All of her dragons were very protective of the young Princess, and the dragon keepers couldn't contain them to the dragon pits for long. The dragons would always appear in Daella's bed chambers come morning. Eventually her parents relented and let the dragons stay in the keep with their daughter until they got big enough to cause trouble.

Authors Note:

So this is just the introduction, I hope it gets better. Please give feedback! Help me figure out a love interest for Daella! Aegon is going to be a better person in this story, and Aemond is going to get justice! I have already written the first seven chapters, but writing has been slow, so I'm posting at least once a week. Be warned the first several chapters don't have much dialogue.

This is an AU story, so please don't try to correct my own timeline to the story. Unless you notice inconsistencies. 

I feel the need to point out that I do not hate Rhaenyra as a character, but she made a lot of dumb decisions that weakened her own claim (this depends on if we are talking TV Show or the Books). (I haven't read the books myself, but I watch GameOfThronesHistorian on TikTok). I can see how both sides are right, but the King made a decision that he upheld until he died. I feel that Viserys was an idiot. He had an Heir (Rhaenyra) and a spare (Daemon), and if he wanted Rhaenyra to remain the uncontested Heir he should never have married and had FOUR more children, three of which were boys. 

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