Chapter 6

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Six months had passed since the passing of the Queen, during that time Alicent had been seen trying to get better acquainted with the young princess at the behest of her father. She still visited the King almost every night, but spent her days reading books with Daella in the garden when the younger princess wasn't in her lessons or with her dragons. Rhaenyra hadn't taken it well, and went out of her way even more to torment her younger sister. She would find Daella when she was alone and tell her that she was the reason their mother passed, that she died to give birth to a boy for Daella to wed. Everytime Daella would cry and cry until her father found her and comforted her. King Viserys was furious when he found out what was happening to his youngest, but Daella convinced him to leave it alone telling him it would only get worse if he interfered, though he went out of his way to make sure she was never alone.

Alicent had been appalled when she witnessed what her friend was doing, and distanced herself even further than before from her friend. She felt terrible about the secret she was keeping from her friend, but seeing the change in her after the death of her mother and her coronation was shocking. She had become bitter and even more shallow, she also became very entitled, using her new title to get her way. Alicent was barely tolerated by the older princess, and they had been friends for most of their lives. Rhaenyra felt that everyone was beneath her, and she had no problems with showing people what she thought about them.

Daella had become quiet since Rhaenyra started to target her more, she wished to go unnoticed most of the time, and the court had noticed. The rumors about what happened to the young princess spread like wildfire, everyone knew that the older princess was tormenting the young princess, but none could truly help. That didn't stop them from trying though, they went out of the way to be extra nice to the young princess, and it seemed to help. Though their attention helped her cheer up, it only drove Rhaenyra further into her pit of jealousy.

Rhaenyra needed a reason to leave the castle, so when it was brought to the small council's attention that Daemon had taken Baelon's dragon egg, Rhaenyra quickly left to get it back. She had also hoped she could convince her uncle to be on her side for this obvious war thrust at her, to choose her over Daella, but Daemon had told her he would fight for Daellas right to the throne if she were to be named Heir. Rhaenyra honestly felt like she was going mad, she felt alone, like no one was on her side, no one would fight for her. She was 'named' Heir, but no one had sworn fealty to her, they never said her name in their vows, and her own mothers house wouldn't pick a side, as both her and Daella share blood with House Arryn.

She had thought to just give up, but the more she thought about it the more her hatred grew. She wouldn't give up, because to give up, was to let Daella win, and she wouldn't allow Daella to have what was meant to be hers. She knew Daemon would be a formidable opponent to face off against in a war, so she would have to try to persuade him to fight for her by any means necessary, she just needed time to plan. She decided to make an effort with the Lords and Ladies of noble houses, to try to win their favor from Daella. She didn't think it would be hard, she assumed any Lord or Lady would love to be acquainted with the crowned princess. It would take months for her to realize she was wrong.

Weeks had passed since Daemons tantrum, Viserys had announced his plan to marry Lady Alicent Hightower. Daella was happy for her father, but she was still sad that he had to remarry because her mother passed.

"I have decided to take a new wife," Viserys explained to his small council. "I plan to wed," he paused looking at Daella who smiled in encouragement, "the Lady Alicent Hightower before spring's end." Rhaenyra quickly left the room, consumed with feelings of hurt and betrayal.

"This is an absurdity!" Lord Corlys exclaimed. He rose from his seat so suddenly that it almost toppled over, startling Daella in the process. "My house is Valyrian, the greatest power in the realm." He shot an apologetic look to Daella, before turning back to the King.

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