Chapter 8

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Upon arrival back at the camp, Daella goes to lay down, exhausted from the long night's hunt. "I need just a few hours of rest, Father." Daella tells Viserys as she leaves, stopping to kiss his cheek on her way past.

"Okay, my dear. I will send someone to wake you for lunch," Viserys says. They had food with them on the trip, but not any sleep.

She got a few hours of sleep before she was awoken by her brothers jumping on her, yelling for her to wake up and play with them. She assured them she would play with them after she ate some real food, so they headed off to eat. They met with their father at the table outside to eat. She greeted her father and good mother with a kiss on the cheek, receiving a kiss on her forehead in return.

"Did you have a good rest, me sweet daughter?" Viserys asks Daella, holding her hand gently in his.

"It was good, until I was awoken by two baby dragons jumping on me," Daella responds, playfully glaring at her younger siblings, who only giggled in response. "It's okay though, I plan to eat all the cake in retaliation." Both boys gasped and started apologizing, mostly Aegon, Aemond just kept saying 'Sowwy.' "Awe, it is quite the challenge being mad at the two of you. I forgive you." She says ruffling their hair and pinching their cheeks.

Alicent looked on in amusement, while Viserys smiled in fondness at his children. They were all laughing and carrying on when a hush fell over the crowd, before whispers broke out. The royals looked around trying to find the reason for the sudden change in atmosphere, instantly spotting Rhaenyra walking through the crowd covered in blood. An annoyed Ser Criston followed her, dragging a boar with his horse. Viserys was instantly pissed, especially after hearing his people talk about Rhaenyra being gone all night with a male. White Cloak or not, he was still a man, and Rhaenyra was a Princess, the 'Crowned Heir' to the Iron Throne.

Otto was quite delighted with the situation at hand, he knew that Rhaenyra would find some way to ruin things all on her own, and now he just has to sit back and watch. It wouldn't matter if Rhaenyra remained a maiden or not, the people already had doubts, and this was just piling on to the list of reasons she wasn't meant for the Throne.

Everyone avoided the angry princess for the rest of the trip.Viserys was at a loss on what to do, he knew that his people had spoken, even the White Hart had spoken, but he didn't want to completely cut ties with his first child. He also received a letter from Vaemond Velaryon, the Sea Snakes brother, he wrote that they were losing the war, and sought aid from the King. He sought out advice from Otto, but Otto didn't really know what to do either, Alicent didn't give him the trouble Rhaenyra gives Viserys. While Daemon was just a pain, even Otto would admit that Daemon loved Daella, and would stand with her if it came to a war for the throne. Otto could put aside his differences with Daemon for Daella's sake, he knew Daemon would protect her, no matter the cost. Otto decides to ask the one person he knows who could give him solid advice, Daella.

"The King has asked me for advice, but I must admit I'm at a loss as well. What insight do you have?" Otto asks, this was a test to see how she would handle this situation, but he genuinely didn't know how to rectify this himself.

"Perhaps she feels that this isn't her choice, she might feel more comfortable if she seeks him out. I say let her decide for herself who she marries, let her go out and see all her options." Daella suggested, it was the only solution. "As for Daemon, I pose a simpler question. Is it better for the realm if the Crabfeeder thrives, or is vanquished? Losing this war would beggar our ports, we cannot afford to lose, so we have no choice but to aid them."

"Hmm, I hadn't thought about that, I will take your solutions to the King," Otto says. "Thank you for your keen insight, Princess."

"You're welcome, Otto." Daella says, "And you know you can just call me Daella, you are basically my grandsire as well." It was true, even before Alicent and Viserys got married, Otto was always like a second father to the girl, and now he was part of the family.

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