Chapter 5

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When Daella awoke the next morning, she was confused to find her father asleep in the chair next to her bed. He was holding her hand in his, she squeezed it gently, causing him to shoot up from the chair and quickly survey the room. When his eyes finally landed on her open ones, his filled with tears.

"Oh, I was so scared. When I was told Daemon had taken you, I didn't know what to think." His shoulders were shaking slightly from holding in his cries. "He was angry with me, and I'm sorry he took it out on you, my sweet child."

"I was very scared. He said we were going for a dragon ride, but Ser Harrold said no. Daemon wouldn't let me go, and he just took flight." She explained. "No one could have saved me, Caraxes would have eaten them."

King Viserys sighed, he knew logically that the mear weapons of man couldn't take down a full grown dragon. "I'm so glad you are okay. I do have something to ask you though."

"Of course, Kepa, what is it?" Daella asks, curious as to what he wanted to know.

"Where did The Cannibal come from? Why were you riding him?" King Viserys was very concerned about his daughter being around a dragon with such a reputation.

"He was there on Dragonstone, he sniffed me and let me pet him. I think he bowed to me, but I can't be sure." Daella tried to hide her excitement, but failed. She was happy to have another dragon friend.

At this point word had already spread throughout the castle and the small folk of Kings Landing of Daella's new found dragon. Already the tales were being told about the princess and her four dragons. One being wild and the largest dragon in their world, and the other three growing bigger every day. The small folk had named her the "Queen of Dragons" to honor her and her four dragons, though everyone wondered what else the Gods had in store for her and if this meant her coin had landed on greatness.

The tales of the "Queen of Dragons" would spread throughout the Seven Kingdoms in a weeks time and in a months time a feast would be held in honor of the princess. Lords from all the houses would come to pay respect to the youngest dragoness, and to see Rhaenyra crowned as Heir. Though the main events of the week-long celebrations revolved around Daella and her dragons.

When the Lords gathered to swear fealty to Rhaenyra, they knelt before her as she stood at the bottom of the steps to the Iron Throne. Her sister, who was traditionally supposed to stand to the side of the throne, stood only one step down from the King. Her father also instructed a crown to be placed on her head for the day. The first to swear to Rhaenyra was Lord Stark, who looked to King Viserys and Daella before kneeling, but didn't say Rhaenyras name in the vow. He just said "the King's chosen Heir," he was then supposed to say her name but didn't. The other Lords looked slightly confused and afraid of what might happen, but upon looking at the King, realized he didn't seem to care. The King was watching Daella, worried she would cut herself on the protruding swords.

None of the Lords missed the look of rage on the older Princesses face, nor the jealousy when she realized her father wasn't going to defend her as he was too focused on Daella. The other Lords followed in Lord Stark's footsteps to which the King finally caught on, but he wasn't angry, for he too decided to follow the Lord's example. He did not explicitly name Rhaenyra as his Heir, and Rhaenyra thought she knew exactly why. In all actuality, King Viserys listened to the silent pleas from his people, they did not wish for Rhaenyra to rule them, and so he didn't name her. He knew, based on the scale of the celebrations, that Daella was chosen by her people.

While Rhaenyra sulked and stuck her nose up at anyone who attempted conversation with her, aside from Alicent, Daella mingled with the Lords and Ladies as well as their children. She was genuinely interested in their lives, and knew most of them quite well. Rhaenyra was quite rude to many young men who asked her to dance, but Daella danced with any who asked. At the end of the week, there was a feast held to celebrate the new dragon Daella had gained. Gifts were presented to both princesses, Rhaenyra for being 'crowned' Heir and Daella for her new dragon. Rhaenyra scoffed at all the gifts presented to her, while Daella gratefully accepted hers.

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