Chapter 10

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When Daella decided to retire for the night she kissed her father and stepmother's checks, then went to bid a goodnight to her siblings. Upon arriving at her room she noticed a sack on a table, opening the sack she found common clothes to wear, a hat to hide her hair and a note with directions to a hidden passage in her room. She quickly changed into the clothes and followed the directions to where Daemon waited for her in a cave opening.

"What is going on, Kepus?" Daella asks in Valyrian.

"We are going out into Kings Landing, we are waiting for Rhaenyra." Daemon explains.

"Why are we waiting for Rhaenyra?" Daella asks, confused as to why her uncle would invite Rhaenyra on their outing. Daemon was never fond of Rhaenyra, but he wanted to see if he could mend the relationship between the sisters, like Daella did for him and his own brother today.

"I'm trying to mend your relationship, like you did for me. My brother and I have always been at odds, but for the first time there is hope, and you are the reason for that. I only wish to do for you what you did for me." Daemon wasn't aware that this was a lost cause, but Daella had little hope for this plan. Rhaenyra would come for Daemon and ignore Daella the whole time.

"Well, let us hope for the best then." Daella says just as Rhaenyra joins them. She looked happy to see Daemon, but when she noticed Daella her smile fell and a sneer took its place.

"What is she doing here?" Rhaenyra asked, looking at Daemon. She wanted Daemon to send her away and she foolishly thought he would. She thought that just because Daemon invited her that this meant he was on her side, but Daella being here proves otherwise.

"Let us be off," Daemon said, steering the conversation away from Daella. He gently leads them out of the mouth of the cave and into the streets of Kings Landing.

Rhaenyra had to come up with a quick plan to get rid of Daella, she wanted Daella to leave so she might have time with Daemon. Just then, as they approached a show talking about the royal family, enraged, Rhaenyra got an idea. She moved quickly, shoving Daella into the crowd and pulling the cap off her head, leaving Daella to stumble into people and catch the eyes of many around them. What Rhaenyra didn't expect was for the common folk to bow to the princess and shout her name like she was some kind of hero, but she was, to them at least. Daella's efforts to better the city and the lives of the people who resided there were well known, she was more than a hero, she was a Goddess to them, a deity they worshiped openly.

Daemon was quick to step up behind Daella to protect her in case the crowd became unruly, but he had nothing to worry about from them. The common folk wouldn't harm her, not even the slimest ilk of Kings Landing would dare to hurt her. They would have more than the entirety of the Seven Kingdoms to worry about, Daella was considered off limits to any schemes against the crown. The four dragons she had would raze the entire land to the ground with no remorse.

"Princess! Princess Daella!" They shouted in disbelief, they couldn't understand why she was here, but they didn't question it much. They saw Daemon behind her, the dragon waiting to strike at the first sign of danger.

The show they were all watching before her appearance was about who they believed should sit the Throne after Viserys, obviously Daella had the favor of the small folk. The small folk believed Daella should rule, the work she had done for them could reach further, she would better the realm, and they knew it.

Daemon and Daella became separated from Rhaenyra, if she was calling out to them, they couldn't hear her over the crowd's excitement at seeing Daella. While Daella often visited the city, she rarely had the privilege to actually interact with the people, she was heavily guarded and was only allowed to visit during the day. Her father was very protective of her, and couldn't risk her, even though he knew the small folk loved her, it was too easy for a crowd to become overwhelming and out of control.

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