Chapter 9

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While following the ship back to Kings Landing, Daella could see the castle in the horizon. She planned to make haste and get to the pits so she could see her father and siblings as soon as possible, when she suddenly heard Caraxes. She was excited to see her uncle, she didn't know he was coming back today, but she was glad he was.She would be the first to greet him as they both had to get to the Dragon Pits to dismount. Daemon flew too close to the ship, making it rocks harshly in the water, Daella commanded Whitefyre to fly faster so she could keep up with him. When they landed in the Dragon Pits, Daella quickly dismounted and rushed over to Daemon, not giving him much time to catch her before she tackled him in a hug.

"Kepus!" Daella exclaimed, "I have missed you! Does this mean you are home for good? You must stay for a while at least, please." Daella had missed her uncle these past five and a half years, she wished this time he would be home longer.

"Look at you, little dragon, you have grown so much." Daemon says when he released her back on her own to feet, "Your father must have trouble keeping the boys away." It was true, the King was drowning in letters from all houses from all over the kingdom, offering up their young sons and some even offering up themselves. The King had to politely decline all of them, even the ones where he wanted to be less than polite.

"Kepa isn't interested in betrothing me to anyone, especially one not of my choosing," Daella confirms. "He wishes for me to marry for love, like what he and my late mother had. Something he tried to get Rhaenyra to do, but she wasn't happy with her choices, I suppose, as she rejected every suitor who placed themselves forward, and ended the tour three months early."

"Ah, so I have come home at a bad time then," Daemon asks. Daemon knows Viserys will be angry with Rhaenyra for putting all his hard work to waste. This tour was not easy to plan, and some houses will be outraged that neither princess came to visit after months of preparations went into the planning of this tour.

"No, just let me speak to him, perhaps I can smooth things over before you are announced to the court." Daella says, she was planning to greet her father before they had to face the court.

Daella knew her father wouldn't be angry with her, this was Rhaenyra's fault after all. There was no way for Daella to continue the tour without Rhaenyra as she was taking the ship back home, and it was their only ship to sail home in. Daella couldn't possibly stay when Rhaenyra wasn't, how would she explain her absence to the lords who were to put themselves forward as a match for her.

"That will of course only be effective given you don't upset him, so nothing dramatic Daemon," Daella fixed him with a warning pointed stare.

"Yes, yes, I shall be on my best behavior," Daemon says, putting his hands up in defeat while helping Daella into the wheelhouse. "But only because it's you who's asking."

Daella knew her uncle well enough to know he had something up his sleeve, but she let it go for now, excited to see her father. The ride to the castle was filled with idle chit chat, and Daella being greeted by the smallfolk, to which she happily waved back. Daella was relieved to be back home, while she loved visiting the other houses, she was feeling home sick. Daemon was happy to watch Daella be greeted home by the people, he could see the clear favor she had of the smallfolk. It wasn't hard to guess how she gained their favor, she went out of her way to improve their lives. She raised money to fund the betterment of the schools, orphanages, and the hospitals of Kings Landings. She even went as far as to gather donations for her name days, asking for donations toward her projects instead of gifts, the great houses responded by giving both, the gift of money as well as actual gifts for the princess. It's no wonder the smallfolk loved her, they in fact, adored the princess, seeing as they truly felt appreciated by her.

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