Chapter 7

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Five years had passed since the birth of the King's first son. Alicent fell pregnant again a year after Aegon's birth, and Prince Aemond was born about nine moons later. Aegon is now five and Aemond, the second son is three, and she is currently pregnant again. The ten year old Daella was excited about the name day festivities for Aegon, she was currently in the gardens waiting for the royal party to depart to the KingsWood. Daella was talking to Jason and Tyland Lannister, mostly about wine and their home in Casterly Rock.

"This is our finest wine, made in Casterly Rock. You must try it," Jason states, handing Daella a small glass of the wine for her to sip.

Daella takes a sip, humming in thought. The wine was sweet, but not too sweet. She enjoyed it, but she knew she couldn't have too much wine before they even left. "It is good. I like it, but I can't drink too much before the festivities even begin." She laughs, handing the wine back to Jason. Jason thankfully didn't take offense, he laughed it off. He was just glad she enjoyed the wine. In fact he was more than happy to boast to a princess, one who he would actually converse with and listen to him.

"Yes, it seems the whole party is here, so they must still be readying the carriages." Tyland interjected.

"No, I don't see Rhaenyra or Alicent. The Queen must have gone to retrieve her," Daella guessed after looking around, not seeing either of the royal women in question. Jason and Tyland winced at the mention of Rhaenyra, but luckily Daella didn't see.

Jason hummed in thought, while looking around. "Yes, it would appear you are right." Jason said as he noticed Rhaenyra stomping through the gardens with Alicent not far behind. Both looked agitated, but Alicent also looked downtrodden.

These past five years, Rhaenyra only seemed to draw further into herself, never speaking more than a few words to anyone. She wouldn't acknowledge any of her siblings, and she had completely abandoned her role as cupbearer during small council meetings. King Viserys had Daella take over the role, and after filling the cups, she takes a seat at the table in the chair her father placed next to him. He meant it when he said she would have a seat for her when she got too old to sit in his lap.

"Yes, and in that case, everyone is here. We will hopefully leave soon." Daella said. She loved talking to everyone, but she wanted this awkward carriage ride to be over fast. She spotted Aegon and Aemond running towards her.

"Dae! Dae!" They shouted, racing towards her. She quickly kneeled down to catch them, hugging them to her.

"Hello, how are you young dragons doing on this fine day?" Daella cooed at them, lovingly stroking their heads. "Happy name day ābrītsos vēzos (young sun)!" She said to Aegon. They had nicknames for eachother; Aegon was ābrītsos vēzos (young sun), Aemond was ābrītsos perzys (young flame), and Daella was Jelmāzmo (Stormborn). Aegon started calling Daella Jelmāzmo after he heard her announced as 'Princess Daella Stormborn Targaryen', he then learned the word Stormborn in High Valyrian. Once Aegon started calling her that, Aemond picked up on it, and it stuck after that.

Viserys and Alicent loved to see Daella dote on her younger siblings, they could tell she really loved them. Alicent was worried in the beginning that Daella wouldn't accept any children she had, but was happy to see her take to them so well. She knew that if Daella didn't like her children then Viserys wouldn't either, and her father told her it was imperative for Daella to get along with her children. Otto still played chess with Daella after meetings, but she had long since bested him, he was surprised that she was able to beat him so easily and brutally. Sometimes she let him win, but those instances were rare, she just liked to make things interesting.

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