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Sam had insisted on bringing me to school today, which I had to accept. I hadn't talked to Paul since Saturday. I guess he wasn't too keen on talking to me after I've ignored him two weeks. But honestly, he had no real reason to be mad. We weren't friends or anything else. I owe him nothing. 

"Are you sure you can do this?" Sam asks me as we stop in the parkinglot. A few people look at the car and I chuckle. 
"Of course" I say with a grin before I get out of the car. I smile at him and thank him for taking me here before I close the door and breath it once. Through my mouth of course, which made it less worse when I sniffed all of them at the same time. Everyone around me was wearing a jacket and long jeans, while I walked over with a skirt and a tank-top. My hair was hanging loosely just above my shoulders, the ends curled slightly. Emily had cut my hair this weekend and since I was wearing a tank-top everyone was able to see the tattoo of the tribe that Sam had made me get too. A few people whisper as I make my way towards the entrance.
"She has a tattoo now?" I hear Olivia ask a bit shocked.
"Apparently" Quil says a bit annoyed.
"Wow" I hear Paul breath out. Immediately my head turns and I find his face. I wave at them with a polite smile before I vanish inside the school.
"You're so whipped" I hear Jared says and everyone laughs.
"Shut up" I hear Paul say before his beautiful laugh fills my ears. I had never noticed it before. Not like this.

My first classes are okay. Until lunch. It felt weird to finally sit with them again. I was so excited to be able to talk to them again but now I was rather nervous. I take a deep breath before I walk over to them. 
"Look who's decided to join us" Jared says, smiling at me. They turn their heads, smiling at me as I make my way over to them and sit down. I pull the chair between Paul and Jacob back, setting my tray down with the other hand before I sit down. I give Paul a quick smile before I look at the people around me.
"How are you?" Kim asks me as she grabs my hand over the table.
"I'm okay. Better now that I'm here" I say and they chuckle.
"We've missed you" Olivia says, making me grin.
"Some more than others" Quil says, earning himself a smack to the back of his head by Paul and Embry. "What? It's the truth" 
"I mean, how couldn't Embry miss her after what happened at the beach" Jared teases, earning him a glare from Embry and a confused look from Paul and the girls.
"What happened?" Olivia asks.
"Sam pushed Aria off a cliff as a joke and we thought he did it on purpose. Embry jumped into the water to safe her but she was okay. When they came out though they were both wet and in their underwear and Embry here was shivering crazily" Quil says.
"So Aria wrapped her arms around him in an attempt to help him get warm again. I mean, with that body-temperature of you that wasn't even that bad of an idea" Jared says and I notice how stiff Paul has gotten.
"Well, Jared brought them a blanket and they wrapped eachother in it. When she hugged him again though, he got...excited" Quil says, as him, Jacob and Jared start laughing again.
"Excited as in..." Kim asks and the boys nod, trying to hold their laughter in.
"Uh-huh. Little Embry got so excited to get hugged by a half-naked Aria that even in these temperatures he managed to, you know" Jared says, now laughing loudly. 

Paul pushes his chair back before he storms off. I look at the boys angrily before I walk after Paul.
"Paul" I say as I walk after him but he doesn't stop. 
"Paul!" I shout loudly and watch as he stops a few feet infront of me. Slowly, I walk up to him and grab his wrist to turn him around. He doesn't look at me though. He looks to the side, his jaw clenched tight.
"I had to. He jumped into the water for me and he was about to get hypothermia" I say.
"Would you have done the same for me?" he asks, his voice soft and quiet.
"What?" I ask him. He turns his eyes, looking at me with a sad look.
"Would you have done the same for me?" he asks and I chuckle.
"Of course. You're my friend. I would do anything for you" I say, and it wasn't even a lie. I would do anything for Paul Lahote. Even if it meant dying.
"Friend" he chuckles, confusing me again.
"What's wrong?" I ask him as he looks away again.
"Embry knows how much I..." he says but trails off as he gets angry again. I quickly put a hand to his cheek, feeling a spark in my palm before I turn his head to look at me.
"Embry knows what?" I ask and he looks at me, a bit taken back by my actions. I smile at him softly, as he stares at me, blushing again.
"You have really pretty eyes" he says, making me chuckle.
"Isn't that my line?" I ask and he chuckles.
"Come on. Lets get back inside" I say before I pull him along with me by his hand.

Until Death- Paul LahoteWhere stories live. Discover now