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I'm sitting at Emily's table currently, writing my cards for the presentation in three days.
Honeslty, I am kind of nervous.
It's been freaking me out because the presentation'll be important for college applications. Not that I am going to college any time soon though but still. It'll be important for graduation too.
"Alia, can you get your stuff off the table? The boys are going to be back soon and it's almost dinner time" Emily states from the kitchen.
I mumble something under my breath, agreeing with her but still keep writing them. I am deep in my flow and I definitely don't want to break it.

Someone slings their arms around me from behind, placing kisses all over the right side of my face.
I giggle before turning my head, meeting Paul's eyes.
"Hey" I say before locking our lips and kissing him softly. He grins into the kiss before breaking it again and laying his head onto my shoulder.
"What are you doing?" he asks.
"My presentation's on friday" I state and he nods, breathing into my neck and kissing it softly.
"Right. Are we allowed to come?" he asks, making me think. I look up to see the others all waiting for my response. I know they wanted to come for ages now but I never really allowed them to. At least I didn't say it.
"We can also stay at home if you want to?" Sam suggest but I shake my head.
"No. It's fine. You can come" I say, Paul leaving yet another kiss on my cheek before helping me gather my stuff.
"You sure?" he asks me, placing all the pens that are scattered across the table and putting them in my pencilcase.
"Yeah. I mean, you've all already read my work so you can also come listen to it" I say, putting everything into my backpack and Paul handing me the stuff he has in his hands, which I also put into my backpack again.
Paul sits down next to me, immediately scooting closer to me and putting his arm around my shoulder.
"Yeah but are you comfortable with it?" he asks. "I know how nervous you are about it. It's fine if you feel better when we're not there"
I smile at how thoughtfull he is. "It's fine. Really. I'll live. And I want you guys around"
He smiles back at me, showing his perfect white teeth.
"Can we eat now?" I hear Jared say next to me, making me chuckle. I look over at him, him looking more annoyed than usually.
"What's your problem?" I ask him and he sighs.
"Kim hasn't asked me to go to prom with her yet" he says and I chuckle.
"Prom's in April. We've got three months left" I state and he rolls his eyes.
"Yeah but they've hung the posters this week" he says, making me grin a little.
"Dude, give her some time. We're in a lot of work now but I am sure she's going to ask you when the time's right" I say.
"I know but I am just so excited for prom. Are you excited, Paul?" he asks, making me look at my boyfriend. Well, not oficially. Not yet. At least we haven't talked about it yet.
Paul looks at me, clearly at a loss of words.
"She hasn't asked you yet either? But you are going together, right?" he asks, Paul closing his mouth and opening it again, nothing coming out.
"Definitely" I state, a smile forming on Paul's face.
"You sure?" he asks me, making me look at him a little dumbfounded.
"Uh, why would I go with anyone else if I have a boyfriend?" I ask him, noticing the mistake as soon as the word leaves my mouth. Same does Paul, yet he grins at me.
I roll my eyes at the amusement on his face.
"I'm your boyfriend now? When did we make that clear?" he asks with a huge smirk.
"I don't know. Maybe in your bedroom last night?" I ask mockingly, a grin forming on my face now too as he starts blushing like crazy.
"God, I didn't want to know that" Jared says disgustedly. "Do you do anything other than sex?"
I furrow my brows with an amused smile. "I thought you didn't want to know about it?"
Jared rolls his eyes.
"Do you do anything else with Kim?" Paul asks, the both of us laughing as Jared starts blushing.
"Yeah. It's not like you even try to hide it" I state and he groans.
"I do but I can't. It's not my fault I can't hide every thought I have like you. And besides, you've already seen her naked. It doesn't matter" he says.
"Sure but I don't want to see you naked and yet I have" I say with a sarcastic smile.
He returns the sarcastic smile. "Likewise" he says.
I look over at Paul who's looking at the floor. "Sorry" he mumbles, making me shake my head a little.
"It's fine" I assure him.
He looks at me nervously. "But for real now, am I your boyfriend?"
I stare at him. "No, you aren't"
"Well, what do I have to do to be your boyfriend?" he asks, making Emily chuckle who's bringing the food over now.
"You have to figure that out yourself" I say.
"Really now?" he asks, making me shoot him a disapproving look. "Alright" he says and I look over at Emily who looks oddly amused by the situation.
"Men" I say, shaking my head and making her laugh outloud now.
"They never figure it out" she says, making me grin.
"Hey" Sam says a little offendedly.
"Sorry babe" she says, kissing him softly and sitting down herself. Sam brings the food over, everyone starting to eat as soon as we get the chance to.
We're all hungry after all.

Until Death- Paul LahoteDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora