Single's Dilemma

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"Good morning!" I said chirpily as I came out of my tent.

But, a frown made it to my face as I realised that no one was outside.


I expected everyone to be up and ready for breakfast by now.

I looked around and when I turned, my eyes fell on Drama Queen who was walking out of his tent shirtless and that made me cringe.


"Good morning, crazy woman," he smirked at me as he walked towards me.

I just made a face and started walking towards Amy's tent.

"Where are you going?" he asked me.

"To Amy's tent, where else?" I scoffed.

"Are you crazy?" he looked at me in disbelief.

"Why? What's wrong with that?" I glared at him, "I used to always find her the first thing in the morning on our camping trips during school."

"Well, guess what? You are not in school anymore and..." he bit his lip, "Well, Amy isn't alone anymore."

I bit my lip as I understood what he was implying.

Yeah, I wouldn't want to...find them in any kind of compromising position.

"Oh," I muttered, "Well, I guess then I-"

"Good morning!" I turned around to see that it was Aaron.

I turned back to glare at Drama Queen. 

Stupid man. He and his horrible ideas! Ruining my head too.

"Good morning, Aaron. I'll go check on Amy," I smiled at him and took a step.

"Umm..yeah, she has..gone for a bath. Why don't we...start eating?" he said, stopping me and pulling me with him to the small table in front of our tents, which was already set up.

"Who did this?" I asked.

"The thanks should be directed towards me," Drama Queen said.

"No doubt. I knew it was you. Nothing here is correct," I lied.

He just rolled his eyes and shook his head.

After about ten minutes Amy joined us, but she was still in her nightwear.

"I thought you..." I opened my mouth to voice it out but, I trailed off as I figured it out.

She greeted us and sat down on the empty chair.

We all started eating and suddenly I dropped my fork.

"Ouch," Amy hissed as she bent down to pick it up and placed a hand on her back.

"What happened?" Drama Queen asked.

"Yes, Mel. What happened? Are you okay?" Aaron asked and I could see a teasing glint in his eyes.

"Nothing. Just pulled a nerve," Amy answered avoiding Aaron as a tint of red came on her face.

Fuck! This is so fucking awkward. Oh god, spare me, please!

I decided to change the topic and so, cleared my throat saying, "So, Amy, I was thinking we should go to the local market first as a start for the girls' only day toda-"

"About that," she sighed, "Actually, last evening Aaron showed me a great lake nearby. I really wanted to go there."

"Oh, that's alright we can do that first and then -"

Drama Queen's Chauvinist (#3)Where stories live. Discover now