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The weekend rolls around, and I want nothing more than to rot in bed and not worry about the world. Not worrying about school, my family, the future, food, or anything else sounds like a beautiful dream.

Unfortunately, my parents have other plans for my weekend. After a long morning of studying and being lectured on the SAT, I leave to volunteer at the animal shelter. Though it's a smelly and loud environment, I'm more than happy to be out of the house. Spending time with wet dogs is better than my family anyways.

I pull my sleeves up, not wanting to drench my sweater in the soapy water. Due to the coldness of December, I know better than to let myself get wet in this weather. That's hypothermia waiting to happen. I have too much homework to freeze to death.

"Hi, Smith."

My head snaps up, a smile spreading across my face at the voice. "Hey, Maria." Dayanara's younger siblings adore me and help around the animal shelter whenever they can. Though Maria is too young to do most tasks, she happily chats with me while petting the dogs. "Where's Daya?"

"At home. Diego dropped me off on his way to basketball practice." I couldn't imagine spending my Saturday playing sports. Not only do I dislike anything involving balls, but my weekends are too busy. Maria observes the soapy water and multiple brushes. "Was there another flea infestation?"

"Yeah, so I need to wash all the long-haired dogs..." Maria takes a step back, frowning at the tiny bugs crawling across the husky. I run a brush through the thick fur before dipping it in the solution to kill the fleas. "Keep me company?"

"That's what I'm here for," Maria chimes, sending me a wide grin. Her teeth glimmer with purple brackets, making her smile more delightful to see. I can't remember how long she's had braces, but I can't imagine her without them. "Mateo wanted to come, but he had a Lego set he needed to build."

Maria rolls her eyes after mentioning her twin brother, making me chuckle.

For a majority of the time, I scrub and brush dogs, covering myself in subs and water. My sweater, undershirt, and jeans stick to my skin, making me feel disgusting. Though my clothes are baggy enough to cover my body, insecurities ping at me. Maria would never utter an insult towards me, but that doesn't ease my mind from my flaws.

Coldness spreads across my body, quickly making me feel miserable. I shiver each time the wind blows. I would do anything in the world for it to be spring again. Sometimes, I wish I were a bear so I could eat and sleep away the winter. Hibernating seems like a dream.

"I think she needs to use the bathroom," Maria comments, pointing to a whimpering German Shepherd that's already been bathed and dried. "Can we take her for a walk?"

I glance at my watch, seeing I have more than enough time until I need to be home. Taking a walk around the block once or twice doesn't seem like a bad idea. After all, I could use the exercise. I hope that I don't freeze to death, though that doesn't seem like the worst that could happen.

After agreeing and finding a leash for the larger dog, Maria and I begin walking along the sidewalk. I keep my hold on the leash firm, not wanting another incident of me chasing after a dog. To be honest, if this dog runs, I'm going to let her. I don't have the patience or energy to chase down a German Shepherd.

"Can I walk her?" My head immediately shakes at the idea. I'm struggling to keep a hold on the dog, how could a 13-year-old manage? This dog would more than likely drag Maria away the second it sees a squirrel. "Please, Smith? I'm strong. I beat Mateo in arm wrestling yesterday."

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