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Semi edited <3


"I'm cold,"I huff while wrapping Diego's blanket tighter around my bare body. The sun burns my eyes, which train on the boy dressing in front of me. His gorgeous body becomes covered with clothes, making me huff again with disappointment. "You're so beautiful."

Diego turns his attention to me, smiling at my words. Gosh, how bright and lovely his face becomes when hearing the compliment. I take a mental picture of the look on the boy's face and allow it to linger in my mind. "Thank you, mi amor." Before I can reply, Diego suggests, "you should get dressed."

I jokingly tut and shake my head while saying, "Nice try, but you aren't seeing me naked."

"I already did last night."

Okay, he got me there. In my defense, though, the lights stayed off so it barely counted as him seeing my body. "Yeah, but you didn't see my butt cheeks, now did you?"

"Not yet," Diego remarks with a teasing wink. I can't help but giggle and blush, emotions flooding my body. Gosh, it's too early for me to be a gushing mess. "I'll start breakfast so you can change."

I thank Diego for the privacy and kiss him before he leaves.

As I stand up and put on clean boxers, the full length mirror catches my eyes. I don't bother avoiding it. I mentally prepare myself to study my large, disgusting frame before looking into it. However, my negative thoughts halt once I see some thing. Well, some things.

How can I hate my stomach or chest when Diego's lips made love bites on them? A handful of bruises scatter around my pecks and torso while a line leads to my crotch. Amazement fills me as I observe the red blotches.

To interrupt my staring, there's a knock on Diego's door. I jump, knocking myself back to reality.  "Uh, one second."

"Take your time. I just wanted to ask if you wanted eggs."

Eggs? How can I think about eggs at a moment like this? "Sure, yeah."

When Diego walks away, my attention shifts back to my reflection. For the first time in my entire life, I enjoy looking at myself in the mirror. The longer I look at the hickeys, the more I can feel the ghost of Diego's mouth on my skin. Warmth pools in my gut and nearly goes lower.

After many minutes, I force myself to continue getting dressed instead of admiring my newfound hickeys. I put my top on last, allowing myself to look at my stomach as long as possible before covering it up.

"I'm sorry I took so long," I say when entering the kitchen.

Diego stops what he's doing to face me. He scans over my outfit before smiling in approval. I still have yet to know what quests we're going on today, but I'm glad I'm dressed appropriately. "Don't apologize. Are you okay?"

Oh, I'm so much more than okay. "You made hickies on me."

Diego's eyes widen with surprise, "Did I?" I nod and hum, containing my glee. Before I can elaborate, the boy apologizes. "Shit, I'm sorry for not asking and getting carried away."

I don't care that he didn't ask, nor do I care that he got carried away. He touched me, which is what I asked for, so I don't mind. I'm quick to reassure Diego, not wanting him to feel bad for something I enjoyed."No, no, it's okay. I'm not complaining. I think they're really hot."

"Can I see them?"

Uh oh. Diego wants to see my bare stomach and chest in the broad daylight. This will not end well, I just know it. He's going to regret even placing his lips anywhere near my body. Not wanting to seem pathetic and insecure, I say, "yeah, sure."

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