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Sexual content warning😝

Y'all are about to see the biggest plot twist ever😼

Not really edited but idc-


The next few weeks, things stay the same. They don't get worse, but they don't get any better.

School has been destroying me. I'm not sure why all my teachers are deciding to throw work at the seniors when we graduate in a month. It seems like everyday, I am drowning in new school work and on the verge of tears over it.  I've allowed myself to have some zeros, not caring about my parents response to it.

They've been on my ass since spring break ended. I already have been accepted into many universities, but my parents only want me to attend the ones with law programs. I'm tempted to go to the one furthest away, but I can't do that to my friends or sister.

It's been difficult to deal with food, my family, and school all at once. Many times throughout the day, I tell myself 'if I were dead, I wouldn't have to deal with this'. At first, I tried shaking the thought away. But as things continue being shitty, the idea sticks. The idea of ending everything just so I'm no longer an anxious mess seems so appeasing.

At least things with Diego and I are going well. We've been officially together for about a month or so, and I'm happy about it. I'm happy with him. With all my dark thoughts and overwhelming situations, Diego has been there for me. His presence alone makes me want to keep living, no matter how shitty things get.

Today is Diego's birthday, and I'm more than excited to spend the evening with him. We make plans for this upcoming weekend since his birthday is during the week. This way, we can spend an entire day together to celebrate his birthday, even if it's the next day. Neither of us mind, as long as we're together.

A few of Diego's friends come over for dinner and cake. I meet Loriann, who seems like the sweetest and silliest girl ever. I talk to her most of the time, discussing random topics. She shows me her chakra necklace, going on about the 'universe's energy' and other hippy shit.

Though I'm unsure what she talked about half the time, it was fun to yap with her in order to avoid cake and chips.

Dayanara stays so her and Diego can blow out candles together and open a few presents, but that's it. She doesn't talk to me, nor her twin. We haven't talked hardly any since our argument. She must still be salty that I'm dating her brother, but ah well. She can go to Jamal and have birthday sex for all I care.

Soon, everyone leaves and it's just Diego and I. And I love when it's just the two of us.

The moment we are alone, our lips attach. All evening, I've been dying to kiss him. To taste him. To absorb every ounce of his attention. To have him to myself.

Soft words and moans slip from our mouths as clothes fly across the room. Heat, passion, and neediness forms between us. It seems like I cannot get enough of Diego. I don't think I'll ever get enough of this boy. This beautiful boy that I'm so happy to call mine.

In some way, I end up on top of Diego. His hands tickle my body, trailing close to my boxers. The moment his fingers reach my lower back, I freeze in realization.

If we have sex, am I going to take it up the ass? Oh my gosh, I haven't prepared for this. Not physically or mentally. What if I shit myself? What if I cry? What if it hurts? What if I never walk again? What if-

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