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wanted to switch up povs :)

Semi-edited </3


I can tell that something's up with Smith, and to be honest, I have absolutely no idea what to do.

It seems like each day, his anxiety has worsened. And I also am unsure if his eating has improved or not, but I don't think it has. Of course I'm unable to keep tabs on him at all times, but dang, I really wish I could. If I could, I'd shrink Smith down and place him a jar to carry him around.

Of course I'd poke holes in the jar, or I can put him in my pocket. At least then Id be able to see him at all time to ensure he's doing okay. Because right now, it's more than obvious he's not okay. Am I causing any of this distress? I'm not sure. I hope not.

However, everytime I asks Smith to voice his thoughts to me on what's bothering him, he beats around the bush. I know he's holding back because he doesn't want to dump anything on me, but I don't mind. I rather him tell me every single thing about his entire life then guess what's wrong.

Dayanara isn't much help. Once or twice, I've asked her if she's talked to Smith, which she just dismissed the topic. I'm not sure what's going on with that girl anymore. The last few months, she's been acting stupid. Well, stupider than usual, that is.

When Dayanara has this bright idea of inviting Smith over for the three of us to hang out, I'm hesitant. We chat at work, but it's not the same anymore. My sister normally goes to another room or she giggles and whispers in the corner with Smith about some boy. I can tell how bored my boyfriend seems with the drama, humming and trying to shift the topic.

"My friend is out of town, and I miss you two."

What friend? All I know is she's going to some girls house a lot. Jasmine, I think she told me her name is. It's odd how often they hang out, and how sneaky she's been acting. If I press the topic, I know my sister will avoid it like the plague. So I'm just waiting for her to tell me the truth.

"You're just looking for an excuse to drink."

Dayanara scowls, "no. We're celebrating."

What on earth would the three of us be celebrating right now? It's no one's birthday. It's not special holidays. It's just a normal ole Friday night. The only thing I should be celebrating is having an amazing boyfriend that my sister has yet to know about. "Celebrating what?"

"The first day of spring break."

She, unfortunately, does make a good point. It's our last break in high school, and we need to basks it all in. However, I'm unsure why we need alcohol to do so. Last time I drank, it crumbled both mine and Smith's world apart. I don't need that happening again.

"I don't know, Daya..." My twin gives me a pleading look that I've grown immune to. Well, almost. Sometimes, she manages to weasel things out of me with puppy eyes. She's such an asshole. "Smith doesn't drink."

"He can try it out."

I don't like that idea. I don't want my boyfriend to become drunk because who knows what will happen? Will he become upset or overly emotional? Will he get sick? I can't let any harm happen to him. "So, you're going to invite Smith over to drink with you?"

Can Dayanara not tell that this is the dumbest idea she's ever had? I much rather watch a movie with the two, or simply talk. When did she become a drinker? Must be that Jasmine girl rubbing off on her or something. "Precisely."

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