Chapter 8

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Late at night it was. But sleep was miles away from him. He was praying for Swara's safety. Just by imagining all the possible scenarios, he felt a huge punch in his heart. He was in this line for more than 6 years now. In these years, ha had witnessed the atrocities of these terrorist and their possible ways to extract informations. But he did not want to even think about it anytime sooner.

"Please be fine Swara! Please!" His heart let out a message for her.

He remembered his first meet with her. How they fought! It brought a silly smile on his face. And then, all of a sudden, something striked his mind. Jagram dada, the peon, who was working for Ram for more than 17 years! He did not come even once to see Ram! Where was he!

He immediately rushed to Laksh. As he told him, Laksh stood up at once! Sanskar was right. Where was Jagram!

"You stay here with papa! I know where he lives!" Sanskar said.

"Don't go alone bhai!" Laksh asked with concern.

Sanskar turned and replied, "Don't worry! I am not a fictional superhero who does work alone!"

Taking a few of his choicest officers, Sanskar headed towards the little alley in which Jagram lived.

"Officer Jeevan, just you will be with me! Others will come out only when I ask!" Sanskar said stepping out of the jeep. He knocked on the door. A middle aged lady opened the gate.

"Where is Jagram dada?" Asked Sanskar.

"Sir! He ..... He is not here!" Lady fumbled.

"Tai! You know me na?" Sanskar said in a sweet tone.

"Sanskar sir! I know you..." Lady was looking visibly distressed.

"You know my father has been shot! Why didn't dada come to meet him even for once?" Sanskar asked. Suddenly he realised the door of a room behind her locked. He looked at her and then at the lock.

"You remember sir, the goat which you used to play with, and laksh sir snatched it .... I remember you sir! How can I forget you?" Lady said but her meaning was understood by Sanskar. He gave an assuring look to her.

"Okay tai! We are going! Tell dada to meet me once!" Sanskar said.

Lady closed the door. Sanskar signed Jeevan to go towards the backyard of house. It was where they used to keep their goats which they had stopped now. Only those who knew the family from a very early time, could decipher what the lady meant!

At the backyard, they saw a small door. A window was there too. With the count of 3, Sanskar blasted the door. This sudden attack was enough to terrorize the two goons standing inside. Within minutes, goons were in the hands of officers. A girl, almost of Swara's age was tied up looking greatfully at Sanskar.

"Thank you sir! Save baba! Please save baba!" Girl started to cry immediately as Sanskar untied her.

"Tell me! What happened Lata?"

Lata was Jagram's daughter with whom, Sanskar and Laksh used to play in childhood.

"They.... The night Ram sir was shot, they came here too. They came inside and took away baba forcibly. Baba said he won't do anything against law. So they threatened to kill me. Baba had to agree. And they took baba away leaving two goons here." Lata was crying looking at Sanskar.

"What else did you see?" Sanskar asked again, "Did you see a girl?"

"Yes! A girl was also in the car. She was wearing a lavender saree. But she was unconscious and her hands and legs were tied too."

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