Chapter 18

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Jagram opened the lab. Swara, along with Ram entered. Swara remembered how she first met Sanskar in this lab. And now, this lab would become the way to earadicate the burden of guilt on him forever. Her gaze fell on Ram who was lost in thoughts.

"Sir! Are you fine?" Swara asked.

"Till I proof innocence of my child, I can't be fine! But you got an amazing thought. God bless you beta!"

They both started performing the test on Sanskar's hair Ram had collected.And within minutes, the proof of Sanskar's innocence was in front of them. After so many days, Swara smiled for the first time, from her heart. She called on Sahil's number.

"Mr. Rathod! Come to forensic lab soon."

Sahil was standing stunned. His disbelief was not hidden from both Ram and Swara.

"I.... I can't believe that I was hellbent on proving an innocent guilty! I.... I fell down in my own gaze today."

Ram sighed. He looked at Sahil and patted his shoulder.

"If you want to rectify your mistake, nab that girl." He said lightly, "And just imagine! What if you had mistaken him last time too!"

Sahil looked at Ram. He nodded. He then looked at Swara. But in place of rage for him, he was witnessing pity for him. He folded his hands in apology in front of her and went out.

"Swara! How can I thank you bachha!" Ram said. His content smile had given Swara all the courage she had lost.

The news spread like fire in media. Earlier, when people were blaming Sanskar spitting venom on him, were now talking about how mental health and suicide were increasing in India. Sanskar was being hailed as a victim.

Laksh smiled as he saw Swara next morning in the hospital.

"Sanskar got conscious?" She asked.

"No! Not yet! But his condition is stable now. Let's hope for the best!" He replied.

"Did you see him once?" She asked again.

"No! He is still in ICU. Once he regaind consciousness, he will be shifted to private ward. Then only!"

Swara nodded. She knew the functioning of hospital. So, taking some time out, she went to a temple. Greatfully, she thanked God.

She turned and was shocked to find Sahil. Kavita was standing behind him.

"You! Here?" He said looking at Swara.

"It's a holy place. Even sinners are allowed here!" Swara replied looking at Kavita.

"If you want to blame me, say things directly to me!" Kavita retaliated.

"Kavita! At least speak truth now!" Swara said and forwarded her prasad, "Don't worry! I have not laced it with GHB!"

"Dr. Bose! You have been mistaken." Kavita said and glared at her, "Sanskar deserves this. Even if he did not do anything, God is punishing him for his karma. He did....."

Swara's glare made her shut up.

"What he did or did not, don't tell me! I know what he can or what he can't do!"

"He deserves to die a painful death Dr. Bose! He invaded me! I wish I could kill him with my own hands!" Kavita said. But her eyes were glittering in a different manner which Swara had seen in a few psychiatric cases.

Hearing her words, Swara laughed a little. She looked at Sahil who too was staring at Kavita in disbelief. Was she the same gentle, soft Kavita he fell in love with!

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