Chapter 48

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Swara was pacing around in her room. Dr Divya was missing. Now she was sure of Her involvement in this case. She looked at the starry sky. It had been almost 24 hours since her husband was missing. Once again the frustration of not being able to find him kicked her hard. She was not crying now though. Her tears had already dried up.

She remembered how she made Sujata, Ram and Annapurna have their medicine on time. She remembered how Ragini, despite in her first trimester having extreme bouts of morning sickness, had struck together with her in this situation.

She looked at the sleeping figure of Ragini whom she forcefully made asleep in her room only. Laksh returned just for changing clothes as he got drenched in heavy rainfall.

Swara sat in front of her dressing gazing at the photograph of her marriage. She lost Sanskar and gained him back. But now losing him again would certainly mean the end of her world.

She looked at the stars.

"Ma!" She called her Janki ma in her heart, "Please ma! Please be with Sanskar. Please don't let anything happen to him."

She sat on the couch nearby. All the moments of their bonding were flashing in front of her. She wanted to hold Sanskar's hand and comfort him. Just by the thought of him in captivity shuddered her inner soul. She couldn't even dare to see the photograph of Sanskar in his phone which was sent to her.

Her phone rang suddenly. An unknown number flashed. She looked at the time and then at her phone. It was 1 o clock at night. She immediately switched on the recorder.


"Dr Swara!" A female voice rang in her ears.

"Who are you?"

"I am Divya Swara!"

The voice immediately startled Swara. She left her seat and stood up at once.

"Swara! I am on your side trust me please. Please do my work. Tell Kabir Pari is with me and I have ran away with her and I am in the same hiding place he told me. And the one in the department who is involved is Anmol. Just tell him this much. And please find Sanskar immediately. Kavita is involved. They are going to exchange Sanskar to their main centre and once he got there, nothing will save him. I am throwing away the sim. Please help Swara!"

As phone call got cancelled, Swara sat in shock. She tried hard to decipher the words. But her heart was pounding against her chest leaving her completely fogged. But as soon as she realised what happened, she immediately called Laksh.


"Tomorrow is the day when he is going to be exchanged."

"God knows what will happen to him there."

"I have heard ma'am had demanded 1 crore in return."

Sanskar was hearing the voices with his eyes closed. He knew he would be drugged again if he opened his eyes. So it was better to pretend unconsciousnes.

He just now heard the plan of exchanging him with money. He knew if he wanted to be alive, he had to run from there anyhow. His hands were tied but he had been in special forces. He knew how to untie the knots. Gently, he untied his hands. The light there was dim. He was about to jump on the revolver of a goon when he heard a female voice. It was of Kavita.

"Kill him!"


Laksh almost ran to the hospital where Sahil was kept. Hearing the name Anmol in the recording made him jump at once. Sub inspector Anmol was appointed as the security incharge of Sahil in hospital.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 26 ⏰

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