Chapter 19

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It was morning. Sanskar's room was filled with bouquets of fresh flowers sent from every part of the country.

We are with you in tough times

Don't loose hope

We stand with you

Fight for justice

Get well soon

The messages were countless. Sanskar smiled at those bouquets. Laksh told him everything in the morning. For once, he could not believe. But after hearing the confession, he was shocked. How wrong was he in kavita's case! He always thought so highly of her. But she fell so low! She even tried to kill him. Thankfully he got saved from that psychopath.

When Sanskar saw his mother, he felt overwhelmed. He saw his badi ma scolding him hard with so many tears in her eyes.

"Bas bas! Don't scold him much now!" Durga Prasad needed to intervene to stop her.

He felt safe in his mother's embrace. And he fell asleep again.

His eyes opened directly in evening. He was feeling much better now. His stiches were removed too today. Ram was near him this time.

"Papa!" Sanskar said, "Thank you so much!"

Ram chuckled. "When your Dr Bose come to meet you na, thank her first. Even in this stress her mind worked."

Sanskar smiled. Ram came near him and caressed his hair.

"Beta! What's done can't be undone! I can't bring back those 5 years which you lived in guilt. But I can promise you that you can make your life beautiful now!"

Sanskar nodded.

"Umm papa! How is Swara? Laksh told me she is not well!" Sanskar asked.

Ram smiled, ",She is tired. I saw a different form of Swara these days. The girl who never talks to anyone with her voice raised literally asked Sahil to get out of lab. She fought with the media, with those who were accusing you and with Sahil, for you!"

Sanskar smiled again. He could not say anything more to his father now. Ram too smiled back at him.

It was evening. Shekhar and Sharmistha just came to meet him. Ragini scolded him so bad. Sanskar felt he deserved it.

His eyes were searching for Swara. Bose family came without Swara, impossible.

"She is parking car!" Ragini said and again stared at him with venomous glare.

And then, to Sanskar's biggest happiness, Swara entered the room. Her face was looking too tired. Her eyes were still swollen.

Sujata looked at Sanskar and then at Swara.

"Beta Swara! How are you now?" She asked.

Swara nodded. She was looking tired. Her eyes were bloodshot and Sanskar understood how much had she cried.

"Sanskar beta!" Sujata said, "You should thank Swara! When we all lost all hopes, she was the one who was with us!"

Sanskar looked at Swara. His eyes were telling all the emotions. He opened his lips to say thank you but before that, Swara said, "It's okay Mr. Maheshwari!"

Mr. Maheshwari! Still she is calling you formally. His heart wanted to say.

what else should she say! It was you only who told her to stay formal! His brain recalled.

He could not say anything. he knew that Swara would have understood everything. How much he wanted to thank her! How much he wanted to be close to her!

After bidding good bye to everyone, Bose family was about to leave. He could not have proper conversation with Swara yet he felt good to see her.

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