Chapter 35

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Ram's words were echoing in Sanskar's mind. The next day, he had a summon to attend in court. Deciding he would meet Swara after that, he closed his eyes to sleep. A strange dream woke him up suddenly. Seeing the time, Sanskar realised it was already 5:30 in the morning. The dream was so vivid. He could see himself lying in the snow after falling down the cliff. Someone came to him. He looked at the person with pleading eyes. But help was denied and instead, he heard a maniacal laughter.

Sanskar did not have the time to think about it more. He had many things lined up for today.

After being greeted warmly by the staff of court, Sanskar straight went to the chamber where the case hearing was. It was on one of the senior officers who was arrested in charges of a murder case. He was the one who arrested the guilty and strangely, he remembered everything about the case.

Court proceedings started. As Sanskar was called, he testified against the guilty officer. His disappearance made the case halt for such a long time. And his statement was the one which had strengthened the case.

As Sanskar moved out of witness box, call for an expert witness happened and to his great surprise, Swara stood up and moved towards the box. Her way of giving statement was commendable. But his whole attention was on the guilty who was staring at her with a gaze full of hatred. Unknowingly, he stepped forward and stood by Swara's side and stared at him back with the same intense hatred in his eyes.

After the summon was over, Swara looked at Sanskar who was standing just beside her. A smile ran over her face. She understood the protective nature of him. Sanskar too smiled back at her.

Out of the chamber, he was talking to some senior authorities when he heard some voices. The opposite lawyer was threatening somebody.

"How much more money did you want?" Lawyer was saying, "Just say once ! Just change your statement!"

"Mr. Mathur! You know I won't!"

Sanskar knew the voice. And he immediately started to walk towards her.

"Madame! World bows down in front of money!"

"Then distribute the money to the world na! Sir, you are elder to me. You are far more experienced than me. You know very well who can change the statement and who can not na!" Swara said in her usual soft yet firm tone, "I don't mean to disrespect you in any regard. But please sir! Not me!"

One of the student of Mathur, a well known advocate, tried to say something when she turned back, "Beta! You are new to this field na! Before disrespecting an expert witness, ask your respected seniors of the dire consequences."

Saying so, Swara tried to move from there. But the student, Harsh, held her hand in middle and pulled her towards him, "How dare you say no to mathur sir?"

With her other hand, Swara tightly slapped Harsh. Holding his cheek, he looked at Swara whose red eyes were staring at him with all the rage she had. For the first time in her career, she faced such a rage.

Harsh was again about to do something when he received another slap from Mathur. He was staring at him angrily too.

"Sir but...."

"She was doing her work and we were doing ours. How dare you to do this!" Mathur was staring at him angrily too. Before he could say anything else, he found two constables handcuffing him. And from behind, Sanskar came.

"Throw him in locker. And tie his hands tightly. Then only he will know how does it feels when you hold someone's hands without will!"

Sanskar then looked at Swara. Harsh was still glaring at her, "You don't know me girl! I can destroy your life in seconds."

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