Chapter 39

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Night was quite. Swara looked at Ragini who had just slept after a good crying session with Nikhil. Nikhil was also sleeping in their room on a mattress he placed on the floor. She softly covered him with a comforter. Gently ruffling his hair, she was about to go to sleep when he held his hand.

"Didi!" Nikhil said, "Will you please accept my one wish?"

Swara nodded.

"You have a bad habit of being strong every time. Being strong for a long time will exhaust you."

Swara nodded and with a smile, she said, "You are right. Now sleep!"

The next morning, Swara woke up Ragini and forced her to run inside washroom. It was the day of their marriage. Ceremony was in day and reception was at night.

On the other hand, Laksh woke up a sleeping Sanskar with so much excitement.

"It is marriage day! Finally me and Ragini are going to be one!" Laksh's happy dance made Sanskar laugh.

As they reached the wedding venue, Sanskar felt immediately happiness seeing the wedding venue. It was beautifully decorated with fresh flowers. Amidst the greenery, two mandaps were set up. Rituals started. As the brides were called, Sanskar turned a little and saw both Swara and Ragini coming together. He did not want to even blink. In a beautiful red saree and hair tied in a loose bun, Swara was looking like a fairy who was coming towards him with a beautiful smile. Was she going to be his, forever!

He looked at Laksh and his lips curled in a beautiful smile, seeing him wiping a tear from the corner of his eye. He knew his brother always felt indebted to Ragini for what she did to him. And he loved her a lot.

He again looked at Swara who had reached to him by now. He felt if he had those memories, he would have cried too. He felt a lots of frustration right now. With his memories, his emotions also got snatched from him.

As Swara sat beside him, she smiled at him. He too smiled back at her but they both knew it was not completely from his heart. The girl who loved him so much was about to be his forever and he couldn't give even an ounce of love to her! What kind of man he was!

He was so lost in his turmoil when he felt Swara's hand silently on his palm. She pressed it and looked at him. With the most beautiful smile, she said, "I thought marrying you would be my dream only. It will never come true. But you made it possible. How can I thank you!"

Sanskar felt lots of emotions simultaneously in his heart. He never imagined how Swara would have felt in his absence! And how hopelessness would have filled up in her when she got to know about his selective memory loss! For her, getting married to him even after all this would definitely be a dream com true. And he would never let this special day of hers ruin by any means.

It was at that moment, Sanskar realised he could even keep his anger away just for her!

He smiled. And he saw how his smile lightened up Swara's face.

Sanskar was lost in her beauty. He did not realise when pheras happened. He did not realise when rituals were over. He did not realise when he put mangalsutra. He realised only during the sindurdaan. When putting sindoor in her hair, Swara's tears fell down on his other hand. Sanskar looked at her immediately. She was crying.

He was about to ask when Sharmistha explained, "Sanskar! These are happy tears. Let them flow. 10 months back, Swara lost all hopes. And now, when the hopes turned into reality, it's her right to be happy na!"

Sanskar felt a lump in his throat too. Had Swara not reached to him, he would never have got back here! He would have never known what being loved so much like!

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